TeleGeography's Official Blog

Data Center Capacity Growth: The Haves and the Have Nots

Written by Jon Hjembo | Nov 20, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Our Data Center Research Service estimates that there are 24 metropolitan markets that have more than 1 million square feet of operational data center capacity and four-year CAGR of at least 10%.

Nine of those 24 markets are in Asia and seven are in Europe. Even more extraordinary—four of the Asian markets are in India alone.

Mumbai, New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Chennai have all seen commercial data center capacity growth of 15% or more since 2020. In Europe, Warsaw, Berlin, and Madrid are all seeing robust growth.

However, by our tally, no large market comes close to the four-year growth seen in Johor Bahru.

By our tally, no large market comes close to the four-year growth seen in Johor Bahru.

The promise that pent up demand for access to Singapore would spill over into Malaysia has come true. JB's commercial data center market growth has exceeded 40% CAGR since 2020.

Meanwhile, many markets—small and large—see low growth over time and periods of no new data center builds going into operation. Amsterdam, Dallas, New York, Hong Kong, and Singapore all have new data center capacity growth of less than 5% CAGR since 2020.

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