Our WAN Market Size Report has been updated to analyze the 2021 market.
Here are the key takeaways:
MPLS and access loops to MPLS PoPs account for 60% of the global large multinational enterprise WAN market size.
SD-WAN for the large multinational enterprise is currently only a $3 billion market globally, or 5% of total WAN revenue, but of course, that will shift considerably in the coming years.
East Asia, driven by China, fights well above its weight in global WAN revenue. This is a point certainly not lost on any WAN Manager who is tasked with connecting sites in China.
The U.S., home to a large number of corporate sites, is demonstrably a fairly expensive local access and broadband market, compared to other well developed countries.
Pricing differences within product sets across geographies vary considerably and a region or country that is expensive for one service might be inexpensive for another. So, geographic contributions to global product market sizes vary considerably. Players in these markets should take careful note of these differences.
There's a lot to take in. To explore the full update, log into your account at TeleGeography.com.
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