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Open Connect, the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Written by Kristin Lee | Dec 28, 2021 12:59:00 PM

It's that time of year again. The time to string up twinkle lights, pour eggnog in your coffee, and cozy up on the couch with your favorite holiday film.

Back in the day, you'd be dusting off the box in your attic marked "Christmas movies." Today—thanks to streaming services—all you need is your trusty remote.

But how does this actually work? Keep scrolling for insight on how Netflix delivers its content globally.

Our list of December reading recs also covers how scammers rent phone numbers to cheat SMS verification requirements, a smart bird feeder that has pushed "tech for nature" to take flight, the first 25G PON trial to reach North America, and more.

A Look Under the Hood of the Most Successful Streaming Service on the Planet

Most streaming services utilize third-party content delivery networks to connect users to their desired videos.

🎵 Then, one foggy Christmas Eve, Netflix came to say: "Open Connect, with your in-house content distribution network so bright, won't you guide my streaming platform tonight?" 🎵

Okay, this isn't exactly what happened, but you can read this article to learn more about Open Connect and how Netflix "ships copies of its content to its own servers ahead of time" to keep up with demand.

The Virtual Phone Farms Scammers Use to Set Up Fake Accounts

If you're reading this, you must have access to the internet. And you're probably familiar with the "enter the code sent to your mobile phone" signup requirement for some online accounts.

This seems like an effective tactic to keep scammers from making fake accounts, right? Because having more than one phone number would surely be a hassle, not to mention expensive.

Not exactly, thanks to services like 5SIM, which will lease phone numbers that satisfy SMS verification for less than a cent.

Bird Buddy lands $8.5M to pursue ‘tech for nature’ after smart bird feeder campaign takes off

Last month, we mentioned smart buoys. This month, it's all about smart bird feeders.

After three successful crowdfunding campaigns totaling $10 million, Bird Buddy has raised another $8.5 million to help its vision leave the nest.

Will the early bird get the worm? Keep reading for more details on this new idea and the emerging market it has awoken.

Nokia, Bell Canada stake claim with first 25G trial in North America

Thanks to Nokia and Bell Canada, 25G PON testing has reached North America—at Bell’s Advanced Technical Lab in Montréal.

According to the press release, "The trial validates that current GPON and XGS-PON broadband technology and future 25G PON can work seamlessly together on the same fiber hardware, which is being deployed throughout the network today. 25G PON delivers huge symmetrical bandwidth capacity that will support new use cases such as premium enterprise service and 5G transport."

2021 WAN in Review

Greg Bryan and Elizabeth Thorne are keeping up their tradition of decking the halls with an end-of-year WAN review. And since 2021 was such a big year, we couldn't fit everything into just one episode.

Part 1 covers SASE adoption, SD-WAN maturation, how remote work is changing the face of corporate networking, the evolving MPLS vs. DIA matchup, and more.

In part 2, the duo covers 5G deployment trends, the rising popularity of multi-cloud, and new backbone/transport services from your friendly neighborhood CSP.

Snow Joke: North Pole Telecom

As our thoughts turn toward the festive season, TeleGeography has decided to focus on one of the world’s lesser-known telecom markets.

The North Pole is a hive of activity this time of year, and a good communications network is key to ensuring everything runs smoothly.

In this analysis, Pete Jingle Bell takes a closer look at North Pole Telecom's state-of-the-art mobile network and its use of FTTH (festivities-to-the-home), SD-WAN (Santa-Defined Well-behaved And Naughty), IoT (Internet of Tinsel), and more. 


Think you've got something that should be on our monthly reading list? Tweet it to us @TeleGeography.