Kristin Carlson

Kristin is TeleGeography's Content Marketing Manager.


Recent Posts

Oct 16, 2024

Mapping African Network Geography at AfPIF 2024 [Presentation Download]

Another year, another African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) keynote presentation for Senior Research Manager Patrick Christian.

His 2024 African Network Geography Update explored global network trends, as well as African bandwidth trends, interconnection hub trends, and end-user demand. There was a special focus on Kinshasa, where this year’s AfPIF conference was held.

What are the best-connected hubs in Africa? Where are new and planned submarine cables landing? Is intra-African bandwidth gaining traction?

Oct 4, 2024

The Intersection of Technology, Big Science, and Global Submarine Network Connectivity

We often overlook how critical submarine cable networks are in the advancement of scientific innovation. Their seamless connectivity enables data-intensive collaboration across research and education institutions around the world.

Next week, our Senior Research Manager Jon Hjembo and Ciena’s Brian Lavallée will dive into this topic through a live webinar: Big data. Big science. Big networks.

Sep 27, 2024

Establishing Disaster-Resilient Networks in Asia-Pacific

If you look at the agenda for ITW Asia—happening December 4-5 in Singapore—you’ll see topics spanning future networks, data infrastructure, subsea Asia, SatCom, and more.

You should also see a familiar face.

Sep 24, 2024

The Man With a Golden Interconnectivity Ranking

Many locations around the world are clamoring to become the next great hub. But before we can identify successful practices to promote digital hubs, we first must decide how to measure that connectivity.

What role do submarine cables play? How about electricity and green power? And government policies ... can those even be quantified?

At Platform Global 2024, TeleGeography VP of Research Tim Stronge took to the stage to tackle these questions.

Aug 14, 2024

International Power Plays on the Seafloor

Undersea geopolitics and digital sovereignty are the buzziest of buzzwords as of late. So it's no surprise that the politics of subsea cables are on the agenda for Submarine Networks World 2024.

Jul 11, 2024

Mexico Connect is Back for 2024

Mexico's digital landscape keeps transforming; it's now the fifth-largest e-commerce market in the world.

This is the backdrop for Mexico Connect 2024.

From Mexico's reliable cloud to the integration of AI, this year's conference is set to explore how Mexico's Digital Economy is on track to become LATAM's digital powerhouse.

May 30, 2024

Where Are All the Internet Exchanges?

If you’re a regular on this blog, you're probably familiar with our submarine cable and cloud infrastructure maps.

But you may not know about the third tool in our interactive map tool belt: the internet exchange map.

May 23, 2024

Undersea Cables Are Fragile: Handle With Care

As May winds down, we’re reflecting on some articles—and broadcasts—that should be on your radar.

Buckle up: this month’s reading list is very submarine cable and data center heavy.

May 13, 2024

Scaling Trans-Atlantic Submarine Cable Routes in a Sustainable Manner

Submarine cable network bandwidth cannot scale linearly with power and space requirements for economic and sustainability reasons.

To address this reality, the submarine network industry is working tirelessly toward sustainably scaling transoceanic capacity to meet the voracious demand for ever-increasing bandwidth, especially along the trans-Atlantic undersea cable routes.

Wouldn't it be great if someone did a webinar about this?

May 9, 2024

Your 2024 Telecom Conference Guide

Conferences and networking events are a big part of our research cycle.

There’s no better way to keep tabs on what’s happening in telecom than to meet with industry professionals, ask questions, present our data, and learn about what’s on the horizon.

No time for conference hopping?

Here's a collection of resources to catch you up on this year’s travels (so far), brought to you by our team of jet-setting analysts.