
Oct 16, 2024

Mapping African Network Geography at AfPIF 2024 [Presentation Download]

Another year, another African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) keynote presentation for Senior Research Manager Patrick Christian.

His 2024 African Network Geography Update explored global network trends, as well as African bandwidth trends, interconnection hub trends, and end-user demand. There was a special focus on Kinshasa, where this year’s AfPIF conference was held.

What are the best-connected hubs in Africa? Where are new and planned submarine cables landing? Is intra-African bandwidth gaining traction?

Oct 10, 2024

Ethernet in the WAN

Carrier-grade Ethernet is a critical piece of today’s enterprise WAN, and carriers continue to expand their network footprints and make higher capacities available.

TeleGeography’s latest Bandwidth Price Report—drawn from our Network Pricing Database—takes a deep dive into Ethernet’s place in the WAN and analyzes recent pricing trends across geographies and capacities, focusing on Ethernet over MPLS (EoMPLS) and Ethernet over DWDM (EoDWDM).

Oct 8, 2024

IP Transit Price Erosion: Significant Regional Differences Remain

Trends in the IP transit market generally follow regional trends of the transport market.

And while some have suggested that price erosion may slow as a result of recent inflation and supply chain constraints (as it has in the wavelength market), we have not seen this trend make its way into the IP transit market.

Aug 12, 2024

Business Broadband in Africa: Notes From My Summer as a Research Intern

As our summer internship session winds down, TeleGeography welcomes summer pricing intern Zar Adisuryo to the blog! Zar just graduated from Georgetown University with a master's in communication, culture, and technology here in Washington, DC. 

We had the best time with her intern class in the office; our interns are an asset as we compile large, data-intensive research projects throughout the summer. Today, Zar shares what she's learned about broadband in Africa while on the job.

We'll pass the baton to Zar to tell you the rest. ⬇️

Jul 25, 2024

Down Under Dispatches: Learning About the Broadband Market in Australia & New Zealand

For National Intern Day, TeleGeography welcomes summer pricing intern Lizzie Hahn to the blog! Lizzie is one semester away from earning her BA from the George Washington University here in Washington, DC. She’s a pre-law student double-majoring in political science and international business.

We loved having her cohort in the office to assist with large, data-intensive research projects throughout the summer.

Today, Lizzie shares a touch of what she's learned about broadband markets Down Under while on the job. We'll hand it over to her.

Jul 3, 2024

What We've Learned About Wavelength Pricing From The 2024 Conference Circuit Thus Far

Halfway through 2024, TeleGeography's pricing team has logged lots of frequent flyer miles on the conference circuit. From PTC in January, to Capacity events in March, and ITW later in the spring, we've been collecting as much pricing intel as possible.

As we sift through our notes—specifically our latest ITW findings—we begin to see a clearer picture of what's happening with wavelength pricing around the world.

Jun 3, 2024

Bandwidth Price Erosion: Accelerating on Some Routes, Still Stalled on Others

We’ve witnessed an unprecedented slowing of bandwidth price erosion globally over the past few years, as network investors, carriers, and customers grappled with delays in new network projects, existing system upgrades, and rising equipment costs.

For the first time, many customers found themselves asking if prices were actually increasing and when price declines would return to typical levels.

While the supply chain constraints and card shortages that spurred this trend have resolved themselves, geopolitical issues have not. As a result, recent price trends vary dramatically by region.

May 9, 2024

Your 2024 Telecom Conference Guide

Conferences and networking events are a big part of our research cycle.

There’s no better way to keep tabs on what’s happening in telecom than to meet with industry professionals, ask questions, present our data, and learn about what’s on the horizon.

No time for conference hopping?

Here's a collection of resources to catch you up on this year’s travels (so far), brought to you by our team of jet-setting analysts.

Apr 25, 2024

Are You Paying the Right Price for Global Connectivity?

The enterprise wide area network (WAN) market is in a state of flux, forcing multinational corporations to rethink how they design and source their networks.

Apr 3, 2024

The Reality of Latin American Connectivity

A few weeks ago, TeleGeography headed back to São Paulo to participate in the Capacity Latin America 2024 conference.

There were few dull moments, with the Latin American wholesale connectivity market full of activity. Among the many discussion points, a few key themes are worth mentioning.

Let’s have a look.