
Jan 1, 2023

The WAN That Was: What We Learned From Enterprise Networking in 2022

You thought we were going to do a major end-of-year review of telecom trends and leave out all things WAN? No, no. Not on our watch.

Host and Senior Manager of Enterprise Research Greg Bryan broke out the data for this bonus New Years episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

Dec 27, 2022

Feeling '22: A Telecom Year in Review, Part 2

We're looking back at all things telecom in 2022. And we're doing it the best way we know how: rounding up our analysts and inviting them to discuss major findings in their areas of research on TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

If you want to dive in from the very beginning, you can listen to part one over here. And if you're ready for more, keep scrolling.

Part two takes us on a journey through the last 12 months of submarine cable news, SD-WAN, security, and major world events that intersected with telecom infrastructure.

Dec 23, 2022

Ask The Experts: What Defined The Industry in 2022?

What will we remember about this year in telecommunications?

And what does the landscape look like as we kick off 2023?

Greg Bryan (and his rapidly color-changing beard*) posed these questions to six TeleGeography experts in a rousing two-part episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet. You might have caught the first episode earlier this week.

Dec 22, 2022

Economics of Sustainable Submarine Networks for Wholesale Cable Operators

Our first webinar of 2023 is officially on the books! Mark your calendar for January 11 at 11:00 a.m. ET.

Senior Research Manager Brianna Boudreau will join Ciena's Brian Lavallée for a discussion on global wholesale pricing and the technology advancements that enable cable operators to meet their ongoing sustainability goals.

Dec 20, 2022

2022 in Telecom: A Year in Review

Another December, another opportunity to reflect on the year that was. And that's exactly what we're doing over on TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

This week, Greg Bryan kicks off the first of a two-part telecom year in review, welcoming experts Patrick Christian, Rob Schult, and Jon Hjembo to highlight the major trends they saw in their principal research areas.

Dec 15, 2022

Latin American Market Trends: Brazil and Mexico

As telecom analysts, my TeleGeography colleagues and I have been busy attending conferences and gathering market intelligence from many of the most prominent telecom companies around the world.

Recently, our travels took us to São Paulo and Mexico City for the Futurecom and Mexico Connect 2022 conferences.

There’s a lot going on in both the Brazilian and Mexican markets, so let’s recap some of the discussion themes that stood out.

Dec 7, 2022

Hypothetical Network Series #5: Let’s Throw Bandwidth at the Problem

So far, we’ve looked at several more conservative approaches to constructing a hybrid WAN.

But what if we went all the way down the rabbit hole to an all Internet WAN?

For example, throwing a lot of bandwidth at the network and letting SD-WAN take care of the internet performance.

Nov 28, 2022

Hypothetical Network Series #4: Adapting to Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed the way we work. And our next scenario illustrates the reality that many IT infrastructure managers are currently facing.

(If you're new here, check out the first post in this series first.)

A large portion of the workforce is now remote at least part of the week. When employees are in the office, they continue to utilize bandwidth-hungry applications like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet to stay connected.

As such, many enterprises are thinking of consolidating the number of sites they have—while increasing bandwidth in those that remain open—in an effort to save money.

Nov 21, 2022

Hypothetical Network Series #3: BYOB Internet WAN

So far, we’ve looked at integrating DIA and business broadband into a hybrid WAN. But there are a host of other network services that corporate networks teams have employed in their network transformations.

Our next scenario represents an Internet-first WAN with data center sites, a BYOB (bring your own backbone), if you will.

This customer may be someone with their own servers looking to build a fiber loop around the globe to connect them, even if they are at a neutral facility. 

Nov 14, 2022

Hypothetical Network Series #2: Tiered Sites Approach

Use of the internet in corporate WANs is quickly growing. And for good reason.

Not only are internet services such as DIA and broadband cheaper than MPLS, many of the SaaS applications and cloud services that enterprises have adopted have been optimized to work over local internet connections rather than through central internet breakouts.

In addition, SD-WAN has emerged as a tool that allows WAN managers to incorporate these lower cost internet services into their network without sacrificing performance or security. But not every network site (or enterprise customer) is a good fit for an all internet WAN.

In our next two scenarios, we take an approach that we see many enterprises taking—designating network sites into tiers and assigning different network services to each tier. This allows companies to add in local internet breakouts at most offices, but keep some MPLS at higher priority sites that need service level assurances.