Jayne Miller

Jayne is TeleGeography's Director of Marketing. She has over a decade of experience as a writer, editor, and creative strategist.


Recent Posts

Jul 17, 2024

That's Great, It Starts With an Earthquake

We started collecting our monthly dose of telecom reading recommendations when it occurred to us: this reading list is somewhat despairing.

Earthquake-based cable outages, infrastructure security concerns—a headline that literally includes the words "solar catastrophe." We don't mean to bring the room down with our July picks, but maybe have something lighter queued up for later.

Jun 25, 2024

It's Raining Cable Updates

Looking back on June 2024, we can't help but notice the plethora of submarine cable updates and announcements that littered our exchanges. (And you know we're always watching for the latest cable news.)

This month didn't disappoint. Just look at this small sampling of news and notes from around the industry in the last three weeks alone:

Jun 11, 2024

Mike Constable Considers Infrastructure from Every Angle

Mike Constable has logged many hours in digital infrastructure.

He's the mind behind Infra-Analytics Pte Ltd, a strategic consulting and advisory firm. His experience boasts time spent time in leadership and strategic roles, commercial, technical, and project management positions on both the supply and investment side.

May 17, 2024

Dr. Steve Grubb Looks Forward to the Next Wave of Technology Drivers

Dr. Steve Grubb’s fascination with subsea cable technology began in the 1990s. Thirty years later, now CEO of Grubb Blue Ocean Solutions, Steve spends his time advising cable companies on technical design and vendor selection.

He also lends his expertise as one of TeleGeography's Preferred Partners.

May 10, 2024

Hervé Février Wants to Troubleshoot the Industry's Biggest Challenges

Dr. Hervé Février has an engineer's brain. (His colleagues have actually used the term "technical wizard.")

After four decades in optical communications, he saw that the industry was as exciting as ever, brimming with digital infrastructure problems in need of solutions.

May 3, 2024

Philip Low Plans for AI Deployment and Decarbonization

Philip Low, Chairman of Platform Markets Group and Managing Director of Headwinds Consultants, has a lot on his plate at the moment.

Feb 24, 2023

Like a Phoenix From the Ashes: The Mythbusters Return to SubOptic

The TeleGeography team might know them as Research Director Alan Mauldin and Vice President of Research Tim Stronge: colleagues, analysts, and submarine cable enthusiasts.

But an entire universe of SubOptic attendees know them as something entirely different: the Telecom Mythbusters.

Feb 1, 2023

More Carriers, More Data: i3forum Expands Insights Offering

Today the i3forum announced the expansion of its successful Insights tool, which will now offer an Insights Light tier.

This extended offering is designed for smaller voice teams who require occasional market tracking and insight, while the flagship Insights solution remains available to large voice teams who rely on such market intelligence for day-to-day business operations.

Both levels of service are available to international carriers whether or not they are i3forum members.

Jan 1, 2023

The WAN That Was: What We Learned From Enterprise Networking in 2022

You thought we were going to do a major end-of-year review of telecom trends and leave out all things WAN? No, no. Not on our watch.

Host and Senior Manager of Enterprise Research Greg Bryan broke out the data for this bonus New Years episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

Dec 27, 2022

Feeling '22: A Telecom Year in Review, Part 2

We're looking back at all things telecom in 2022. And we're doing it the best way we know how: rounding up our analysts and inviting them to discuss major findings in their areas of research on TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

If you want to dive in from the very beginning, you can listen to part one over here. And if you're ready for more, keep scrolling.

Part two takes us on a journey through the last 12 months of submarine cable news, SD-WAN, security, and major world events that intersected with telecom infrastructure.