Jayne Miller

Jayne is TeleGeography's Director of Operations. She has over a decade of experience as a writer, editor, and creative strategist.


Recent Posts

Jul 19, 2021

Five Network Managers, Five Network Management Stories

Who here has been keeping up with season 2 of the WAN Manager Podcast? If you haven't been listening, there's no time like the present to catch up.

We collected five stellar first-person stories from the WAN managers who have popped by the pod over the last year. These experts relate their perspectives on everything from security to SD-WAN adoption, network transformation, and MPLS.

Keep scrolling to take in their use cases. And head over here to find all of our recent episodes.

Jul 15, 2021

Data, Devices, and the Risks of Our Digital World

We wanted to pop by and share a few summer stories that our team has been reading lately.

We suggest you start with the Foreign Policy number we linked below. This piece prods at the geography of digitalization—more specifically, the "systemic vulnerabilities across public and private networks and dangerous weaknesses in supply chains."

Jul 12, 2021

NaaS, Cloud, and the Future of 5G

Listeners know that we've covered middle mile and NaaS on this show. And we've touched on the various companies that are emerging around these issues. Today we're getting extra perspective from one of those companies.

Jul 6, 2021

The Very Definition of SD-WAN

When TeleGeography started tracking the SD-WAN market in 2017, we found dozens of vendors with a service they were calling "SD-WAN." But are all of these services created equal? What does it take for your solution to qualify as SD-WAN?

Jun 30, 2021

The CommsUpdate Stories You've Been Reading (So Far) in 2021

Readers of CommsUpdate—our free daily email summary of the world’s top telecom news stories—have already seen some big headlines this year. 

We rounded up five specific stories you've been devouring in 2021. From 5G network deals to new players in Ethiopia's telecom market, here's what you've clicked and shared more than anything else as of late.

Jun 28, 2021

BorgWarner's Big SD-WAN Adventure

Are you like the (approximately) half of our survey respondents who have not yet adopted SD-WAN? Or perhaps you're in the midst of deployment and want to know what to look out for. Or maybe you're working out whether or not to keep MPLS?

Jun 22, 2021

All About That $8 Billion in Subsea Cable Investment

Have you seen an $8 billion figure floating around the internet over the last week? Specifically that we could see $8 billion in new cable investments over the next three years?

It's true—and you can explore our 2021 submarine cable map to see what that's about.

Jun 21, 2021

To the Edge and Back

Today we're living on the edge!

Whether we're talking security and SASE, NaaS, or cloud computing—or many other topics, honestly—edge networks and edge computing are likely to make it into the conversation.

Jun 18, 2021

Trends in Cloud Infrastructure and Global Networks

Those who joined us for our recent Deep Dive into cloud and WAN geography know that we covered a lot of ground in just 90 minutes. And Principal Analyst Patrick Christian wasted no time giving our audience a crash course in vendor geography.

Jun 14, 2021

Managing Multinational Network Modifications

It's another case study episode of the WAN Manager Podcast. Today we welcome Ian Calderbank, Enterprise Network Architect at PageGroup, to the hot seat.