What do you think of when you think of integrating security into the WAN?
WAN Dynamics' Jason Gintert sees a changing connectivity landscape that presents no shortage of challenges to security teams.
The good news is that there seems to be an almost equal measure of new security strategies and tools taking shape.
Jason cites a handful of changes in newer platforms—like service chaining capabilities and open APIs that allow WAN and security teams to exchange information—as answers to evolving security challenges.
"The cool thing is that it seems like the WAN and the security stack are merging in some ways. There are more open integrations to a lot of those platforms now where you can tie the security elements you need in multiple places," said Jason in the latest episode of our WAN Manager Podcast.
If you've got WAN security on your mind—or if you want to hear Greg and Jason exchange pre-quarantine concert stories—tap below to take in this week's episode.
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From This Episode
WAN Manager Podcast 101: A Zero Trust State of Mind
WAN Managers Consider Zero Trust Security
Greg Bryan
Greg is Senior Manager, Enterprise Research at TeleGeography. He's spent the last decade and a half at TeleGeography developing many of our pricing products and reports about enterprise networks. He is a frequent speaker at conferences about corporate wide area networks and enterprise telecom services. He also hosts our podcast, TeleGeography Explains the Internet.