Paul Brodsky

Paul Brodsky is a Senior Research Manager at TeleGeography. He is part of the network, internet, cloud, and voice research team. His regional expertise includes Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.


Recent Presentation Posts

Submarine Networks and the Digital Transformation of East Africa

Before 2009, only 16 African countries were connected to a submarine cable system.

But in 2016, submarine cable capacity reached 33 countries; seven sub-Saharan countries had access to three or more systems.

Today, Africa leads the globe in international bandwidth growth. This has been facilitated by improved international connectivity along the critical Europe-to-India-and-Asia submarine corridor that connects East Africa to the rest of the world.

Our own Paul Brodsky will be joining forces with Ciena and Djibouti Telecom on March 23 at 11:00 a.m. ET for a live discussion on this topic.

Who Really Cares About Latency?

Specifically, which applications and network operators have latency on their minds?

Well, content providers, gaming companies, financial enterprises, and cloud service providers, to name a few.

TeleGeography Senior Analyst Paul Brodsky recently joined experts from Ciena and Angola Cables for an hour-long discussion centered around Connecting to Africa with Low-Latency Services.

ICYMI: How to Improve Your IP Traffic Performance and Security

The COVID-19 bump is over, at least as far as internet bandwidth demand goes. 

This was a recurring theme during the recent discussion "How to Improve Your IP Traffic Performance and Security: Key Trends, Challenges, and Strategies," which was a special Carrier Community webinar sponsored by the team at GTT. 

Recent Posts

May 8, 2024

Building Tomorrow’s Internet: An Update on New Cable Investment

Investment in new submarine cables has surged in recent years. Despite some fluctuations, new cable investment has averaged over $2 billion per year in the past eight years.

With demand continuing to rise at an exponential rate, the value of new submarine cables entering service from 2024-2026 is forecasted to reach over $10 billion.

Jan 4, 2024

Where Did the Minutes Go?

The year 2014 represents the peak for international voice traffic. International call minutes declined the following year, for the first time since the Great Depression—and it's been downhill ever since.

Dec 13, 2023

Traffic Talk: What's the Difference Between Wholesale, Retail, and Direct?

If you’ve checked out our International Voice Report, you probably noticed that the data carefully distinguishes between retail and wholesale traffic, and between wholesale and direct traffic.

What's the difference?

Oct 19, 2023

These Factors Will Influence the Development of the Global Internet

While artificial intelligence (AI) has been the most hyped demand driver in recent years, its impact on international internet capacity is not entirely clear.

A large amount of AI-driven demand is likely to be carried over the private networks of Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta. Microsoft's infrastructure is also supporting OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT.

Here are some other factors that will shape how the global internet develops in the coming years.

Oct 12, 2023

Tracking International Internet Traffic by Region

Three years after the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the internet seems to have achieved a state of normalcy.

This can be seen across regions of the world. With the initial rapid traffic growth due to COVID-19 continuing to wane in 2023, many global networks appear to have started to return to more typical rates of utilization.

Let’s look at the numbers.

Sep 21, 2023

Total International Internet Bandwidth Now Stands at 1,217 Tbps

After a tumultuous 2020, in which the COVID-19 pandemic caused internet traffic patterns to shift and volumes to surge, network operators have returned to the business of adding bandwidth and engineering their traffic in a more measured manner.

Aug 24, 2023

Eight Enterprise Products, Explained

The geographic coverage of carriers’ enterprise network services varies significantly. Not every carrier connects to every city in their customers’ networks, and not all services are available everywhere.

When narrowing down the universe of potential suppliers, enterprises must first consider how their geographic requirements overlap a potential service provider’s physical network. They then must determine if the specific data services they require are enabled at each of the service providers’ PoPs.

TeleGeography's WAN Services Coverage analysis—part of our Cloud and WAN Research Serviceexamines carrier network connectivity and service availability from a geographic perspective.

Here's a snippet of that analysis, followed by some handy definitions.

Jan 25, 2023

Voice Traffic: I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

The international voice market's trajectory is down, and there's no reason to believe it's coming back.

Our recently updated TeleGeography Report and Database shows us exactly how fast traffic volumes are plummeting.

Sep 28, 2022

The Factors Shaping Global Internet Development

The combined effects of new internet-enabled devices, growing broadband penetration in developing markets, higher broadband access rates, and bandwidth-intensive applications will continue to fuel strong internet traffic growth.

While end-user traffic requirements will continue to rise, not all of this demand will translate directly into the need for new long-haul capacity.

A variety of factors shape how the global internet will develop in coming years.

Sep 20, 2022

Measuring Provider Connectivity

If you want a single, simple number to identify the best-connected provider in the world, you may come away disappointed.

There are several ways to measure connectivity, and each highlights different strengths and weaknesses of a provider’s presence.

One basic metric is to count the number of unique Autonomous Systems (AS) to which a backbone provider connects, while filtering out internal company connections.

Here’s what we found.