
Mythbusters: Revenge of the Cable Myths, Part III


By Thomas SimpsonJul 14, 2016


In Part II of TeleGeography's Mythbusters presentation at SubOptic 2016, Alan Mauldin busted five myths that ranged from whether capacity demand is doubling every two years to a quote from the movie Gravity that the destruction of a single satelite would lead to half of North America "losing their Facebook." In the concluding part of this series, Tim Stronge returns to the stage to take on myths about energy costs pushing decisions about content providers' data center locations, multiple parties building on the same route and "adult" content driving most Internet traffic. 

Part III: Power Pricing, Parallel Projects, and Profuse Pornography

Download the third set of presentation slides here.

Watch the video for Part III now to hear Tim take on these myths: 

  • Energy costs are driving build decisions of data centers (and therefore networks): Energy costs, as well as taxes and other regulatory fees associated with building data centers vary wildly depending on geography. But do these costs outweigh proximity to networks when determining the location of new data centers? 
  • The problem of multiple parties attempting to build on the same (or similar) path is unique to the subsea industry: The sub cable industry thinks it has the unique problem of multiple parties putting out similar products at the same time, but Hollywood films, including "A Bug's Life" and "Antz," might reveal a more complicated truth.   
  • “Adult” content drives most Internet traffic: A myth we've probably all heard since the earliest days of the internet. Sometimes as high as 60% of internet content is said to be pornography. Tim presents SFW data to discover whether the internet really is that dirty. 


The eleven myths and their status have been condensed into a shareable infographic below.


Thank you for following this series, we hope you have found it entertaining and at least inadvertantly informative. Wherever there are sub cable myths, Tim and Alan will be there to bust them. See you at SubOptic 2019. 

Tim Stronge

Tim Stronge

Tim Stronge is Chief Research Officer at TeleGeography. His responsibilities span across many of our research practices including network infrastructure, bandwidth demand modeling, cross-border traffic flows, and telecom services pricing.

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