
Sub-Saharan Africa Bandwidth Trends


By Kristin CarlsonDec 19, 2022


Senior Research Manager Patrick Christian recently shared the slides from his African Network Geography Update at AfPIF 2022 and his Interconnection Geography Update at EPF 2022.

Here's another presentation to add to your collection.

Last month, Patrick joined Ciena's Brian Lavallée for a live webinar: Africa, Continent of Digital Opportunity.

These two experts shared the latest Sub-Saharan Africa bandwidth trends, followed by a look into how analytics-driven automation will facilitate the lifecycle management of increasingly complex submarine cable networks—such as those being deployed around the African continent and other parts of the world.

You can access Patrick's full slide deck over here.


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Patrick Christian

Patrick Christian

Patrick Christian is a Senior Research Manager with TeleGeography. He heads the Cloud and WAN Research Service. He also focuses on African and European markets specializing in international bandwidth markets and internet infrastructure, WAN services, terrestrial and submarine cable systems, and international voice traffic analysis.

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