
Dec 20, 2021

Corporate Data Center Geography, Explained

With the explosion of cloud applications in the corporate network and the shift to local internet breakouts, it's more important than ever for WAN managers to understand where their data centers sit.

Dec 13, 2021

Traversing the Internet’s Middle Mile

“Middle mile” loosely refers to the network segment between local access and destination network.

From the perspective of a potential customer, it might refer to whatever happens between its connection with the service provider and its application in the cloud.

Oct 21, 2021

Enhanced Internet Backbone for a Multi-cloud and Hybrid WAN Era

As workload migration to the cloud becomes the standard, enterprises are redesigning their WAN backbones to ameliorate internet performance.

However, improving your internet performance isn’t so easy-breezy when you're wrestling with unknowns—like the perfect combination of broadband and direct internet access or the right ISPs to modernize your network with.

TeleGeography Senior Manager Greg Bryan will join Singtel on December 1 at 10:30 a.m. SGT for a live discussion on this topic.

Jul 15, 2021

Data, Devices, and the Risks of Our Digital World

We wanted to pop by and share a few summer stories that our team has been reading lately.

We suggest you start with the Foreign Policy number we linked below. This piece prods at the geography of digitalization—more specifically, the "systemic vulnerabilities across public and private networks and dangerous weaknesses in supply chains."

Jul 12, 2021

NaaS, Cloud, and the Future of 5G

Listeners know that we've covered middle mile and NaaS on this show. And we've touched on the various companies that are emerging around these issues. Today we're getting extra perspective from one of those companies.

Jun 22, 2021

All About That $8 Billion in Subsea Cable Investment

Have you seen an $8 billion figure floating around the internet over the last week? Specifically that we could see $8 billion in new cable investments over the next three years?

It's true—and you can explore our 2021 submarine cable map to see what that's about.

Jun 21, 2021

To the Edge and Back

Today we're living on the edge!

Whether we're talking security and SASE, NaaS, or cloud computing—or many other topics, honestly—edge networks and edge computing are likely to make it into the conversation.

Jun 18, 2021

Trends in Cloud Infrastructure and Global Networks

Those who joined us for our recent Deep Dive into cloud and WAN geography know that we covered a lot of ground in just 90 minutes. And Principal Analyst Patrick Christian wasted no time giving our audience a crash course in vendor geography.

Jun 14, 2021

Managing Multinational Network Modifications

It's another case study episode of the WAN Manager Podcast. Today we welcome Ian Calderbank, Enterprise Network Architect at PageGroup, to the hot seat.

Jun 10, 2021

Visualizing the Middle Mile

Our quest to bring middle mile understanding to the masses continues.

This time we've prepared something for our visual learners.