
May 23, 2022

Dedicated Cloud Connectivity Pricing, Demystified

Major Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) offer dedicated, private network connections to their services. These connections complement enterprise WANs with secure, high-performance connectivity.

Today, we'll examine dedicated connection pricing.

Apr 21, 2022

Considering Cloud Connectivity Providers

If you’re an enterprise network manager in need of a dedicated cloud connection service, you’re in luck; you’ve got a wide array of service providers and locations to choose from. 

You could set up a link directly with the cloud provider, but why not use a third-party—such as a carrier, colocation provider, or connectivity specialist?

The question then changes. Who are you going to choose? And where will you set up your connections? This often depends on the location of your enterprise WAN in relation to the cloud providers’ regions or data centers.

In this analysis, we’ll explore options available to network managers.

Mar 22, 2022

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Middle Mile?

Coevolve CTO Ciaran Roche is back on the pod. And he's in the hot seat to discuss how middle mile solutions are selected to solve real-world enterprise WAN issues.

Mar 8, 2022

Data Centers and Digital Transformation

When it comes to the cloud and digital transformation of the enterprise, it's always useful to come back to the fact that physical geography matters to our digital world.

Jan 31, 2022

Where Is the Cloud Moving in 2022 and Beyond?

It can be hard to encapsulate what's going on in the data center market at any given point in time.

There's so much happening in so many places, driven by so many different factors.

But never fear, Jon Hjembo is here—with the development trends and pricing expectations that he delivered during his review of the interconnection sector at PTC '22. 

Jan 25, 2022

Understanding the Multicloud-Verse of Madness

We're going to talk about the cloud. More specifically, cloud outages and how to avoid them and mitigate their impacts.

There's no way we can dig into this topic without touching on multicloud strategies.

Dec 27, 2021

What Problem is the Middle Mile Trying to Solve?

As global enterprises become more reliant on cloud—and start to break away or reduce their traditional MPLS circuits—the “middle mile” of the internet is coming into focus. 

Today, I want to examine the use cases that vendors hope to address through middle mile network services. (And their basic value proposition.)

Dec 20, 2021

Corporate Data Center Geography, Explained

With the explosion of cloud applications in the corporate network and the shift to local internet breakouts, it's more important than ever for WAN managers to understand where their data centers sit.

Dec 13, 2021

Traversing the Internet’s Middle Mile

“Middle mile” loosely refers to the network segment between local access and destination network.

From the perspective of a potential customer, it might refer to whatever happens between its connection with the service provider and its application in the cloud.

Oct 21, 2021

Enhanced Internet Backbone for a Multi-cloud and Hybrid WAN Era

As workload migration to the cloud becomes the standard, enterprises are redesigning their WAN backbones to ameliorate internet performance.

However, improving your internet performance isn’t so easy-breezy when you're wrestling with unknowns—like the perfect combination of broadband and direct internet access or the right ISPs to modernize your network with.

TeleGeography Senior Manager Greg Bryan will join Singtel on December 1 at 10:30 a.m. SGT for a live discussion on this topic.