Data Centers

Oct 20, 2022

The Data Center Sector: An Uncertain Juncture

There’s a remarkable sense of uncertainty in the data center sector right now.

Some of the biggest global markets have seen unprecedented disruption to data center development as regulators and utility companies attempt to work through critical issues surrounding the long-term sustainability of the industry. 

At the same time, the war in Ukraine has fueled tremendous volatility in European wholesale power prices, bringing further stress to an industry that’s fundamentally dependent on vast amounts of power. Let’s unpack the current situation.

Oct 4, 2022

Data Centers and the Opportunity at the Edge

When I reached out to today's podcast guest—Jim Poole, Vice President of Business Development at Equinix—about being on the show, I asked if he'd be willing to dig into NaaS or edge data centers.

Jul 27, 2022

Hot Data Center Summer

With summer in full swing, things are heating up—literally.

Like data centers.

Our July list of recommended reads touches on overheating data centers in the UK, a massive broadband outage in Canada, new submarine cables coming to Africa, and more.

Mar 8, 2022

Data Centers and Digital Transformation

When it comes to the cloud and digital transformation of the enterprise, it's always useful to come back to the fact that physical geography matters to our digital world.

Feb 24, 2022

The Key Aspects of Colocation Pricing

The colocation data center sector is characterized by remarkable price stability—remarkable in that such external pressures as a global pandemic, geopolitical uncertainty, and regulatory restrictions have failed to dramatically sway prices in one direction or the other.

To be sure, there are sometimes short-term movements, but over the span of several years, collective rates shift only slowly from their baseline.

Let's delve into the key aspects of colocation pricing.

Jan 31, 2022

Where Is the Cloud Moving in 2022 and Beyond?

It can be hard to encapsulate what's going on in the data center market at any given point in time.

There's so much happening in so many places, driven by so many different factors.

But never fear, Jon Hjembo is here—with the development trends and pricing expectations that he delivered during his review of the interconnection sector at PTC '22. 

Dec 20, 2021

Corporate Data Center Geography, Explained

With the explosion of cloud applications in the corporate network and the shift to local internet breakouts, it's more important than ever for WAN managers to understand where their data centers sit.

May 14, 2021

See You at the Data Center Disco

Conference season is upon us and TeleGeography is glad to be partnering with Datacloud Global Congress 2021 for this year's main event. We hope to virtually see some of our readers there next month.

Mar 1, 2021

Putting The Data Center Geography in TeleGeography

When our new WAN Geography Benchmark got a bit of buzz earlier this year, we thought it'd be cool to invite Principal Analyst Patrick Christian back to the pod to explain how this tool was developed.

It's one of those origin stories where a major customer needed to use several of our databases to run a bespoke analysis of their network. The project sparked a bright idea for how to help other enterprises with their data center decision-making.

Feb 9, 2021

How Data Centers Adapted to Disruption in 2020

The data center sector rose to the challenge of 2020.

This was Jon Hjembo's opening message during his review of the interconnection sector during PTC '21.