Jayne Miller

Jayne Miller is TeleGeography's Director of Operations. She has over a decade of experience as a writer, editor, and creative strategist.


Recent Posts

Nov 18, 2016

Flashback Friday: An Underwater Cable of 1939

When it comes to undersea cables, we've come a long way.

Take this 1939 Bell Systems reel, which showcases scenes from the San Francisco Harbor, as workmen ready submarine telephone cable that is to live at the bottom of the San Francisco Bay, winding beneath the Bay Bridge.

Nov 16, 2016

Understanding “The Last Mile”

One tiny data packet has traveled the world. It’s made its way from Sydney, Australia all the way to London, traversing undersea cables to reach its intended destination.

But here’s something interesting: the (potentially) most expensive part of this data packet’s trip is only just beginning.

Nov 9, 2016

5 New Articles We're Reading. (And So Should You!)

We don't need to tell you that we like to keep up with the latest telecoms happenings.

Below are five new articles we've been reading on our end, spanning from the state of the undersea cable market, to major mergers, to insight on that distributed denial of service attack last month. Dig in.

Nov 8, 2016

The Trombone Effect, Explained

No. This effect has nothing to do with a big parade.

The trombone effect - or just "tromboning" - attempts to categorize the curious, latency-causing path information might travel due to the hub-and-spoke nature of the internet.

Nov 4, 2016

The Era of the Undersea Cable

You’ve heard it all before. Capacity demands are up.

But do you know just how quickly global bandwidth is growing?

Nov 1, 2016

What’s Happening With CenturyLink and Level 3? How Will These Operations Overlap?

Yesterday CenturyLink confirmed the rumors, announcing that they’ve reached a cash-and-stock deal to buy Level 3 Communications for around $25 billion.

Here’s what’s happening.

Oct 25, 2016

The Dyn DDoS Attack, Explained

What happened during Friday’s massive internet outage on the East Coast?

Oct 21, 2016

All the Buzz from WAN Summit London 2016

This week we completed another brilliant WAN Summit in London, welcoming corporate WAN strategists and service providers to connect with suppliers, customers, and peers.

We don't want anyone to feel left out. Here are some quick highlights from the Twitterverse.

Oct 14, 2016

5 Telecoms Articles You Should Read This Weekend: SD-WAN Edition

Time for another round of "what is the team at TeleGeography reading?"

This time around we're all about that SD-WAN. (Perhaps we're just excited about the upcoming WAN Summit London?) Below are five pieces any network manager should bookmark for their weekend reading queue.

Oct 13, 2016

Google and Facebook Have Joined the Pacific Light Cable Project

Perhaps you've heard that Google and Facebook have joined the Pacific Light Cable Project.

We've compiled several resources to explain why content providers are getting into the cable game. (And we also have some insight on the cable in question.)