Jayne Miller

Jayne Miller is TeleGeography's Director of Operations. She has over a decade of experience as a writer, editor, and creative strategist.


Recent Posts

Aug 10, 2016

An Indispensable Collection of Colocation Resources

A colocation center is a data center that provides shared space for network storage and interconnection.

Unlike a web hosting site, a colocation facility provides storage for the customers' own equipment. The facility typically provisions power, cooling, security, and intra-site connectivity, among other offerings.

Understanding the norms, trends, and pricing of colocation centers is a must for the modern network manager. That's why today we're sharing our best and brightest colocation resources. We've got info on colocation hubs, cross-connects, costs, and more.

Aug 4, 2016

What is Broadband? A Definition in Under 100 Words.

Answer: the definition of broadband is, formally, “a high-capacity data transmission type that can handle multiple types of traffic at once.”

But in the context of internet access, broadband is used to mean any high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than traditional dial-up access.

Jul 28, 2016

The Scoop on Google's New Subsea Cable (And What it Means for Future Capacity Investments)

Google has joined a handful of carriers to complete a brand new Trans-Pacific oceanic cable – but this is hardly their first venture under the sea.