Jayne Miller

Jayne Miller is TeleGeography's Director of Operations. She has over a decade of experience as a writer, editor, and creative strategist.


Recent Posts

Mar 8, 2021

A Very Special Episode About a Very Global Network

It's a case study episode!

Greg is joined by Johan Ihse, product owner of global connectivity at H&M. As with previous WAN manager interviews, we'll focus on the story behind the network. This includes learning about H&M's network set-up, the transformations they've undertaken, and some goals for where Johan would like to see their network go.

Mar 5, 2021

What is Internet Middle Mile?

We had a feeling that our expert team would deliver a winning discussion during our TeleGeography Deep Dive on internet middle mile.

And disappoint, they did not.

With middle mile emerging as one of the next major topics of interest for global enterprises, our event appropriately started with the explainer of all explainers on this new market segment. (And, yes, we recorded the overview for our readers who couldn't make the live event.)

Mar 1, 2021

Putting The Data Center Geography in TeleGeography

When our new WAN Geography Benchmark got a bit of buzz earlier this year, we thought it'd be cool to invite Principal Analyst Patrick Christian back to the pod to explain how this tool was developed.

It's one of those origin stories where a major customer needed to use several of our databases to run a bespoke analysis of their network. The project sparked a bright idea for how to help other enterprises with their data center decision-making.

Feb 26, 2021

The Hyperscalers Have Arrived

Tech giants are investing in submarine cables, sure. But you already know that part of the story.

It gets interesting when we look closer at the number of cables hyperscalers are investing in, for how much, and where. 

Feb 23, 2021

Designing a Network for Now (And Five Years From Now)

Our resident podcaster Greg Bryan recently sat down with Daniel Remarc Bognár—the Head of Network Architecture at Norsk Hydro—to get his network case study.

As an early adopter of SD-WAN, and an eventual participant in a merger, there were plenty of lessons learned along the way. (Which we will now share with you, dear listeners.)

Feb 18, 2021

2021 Global Pricing Trends in 20 Minutes

Sure, the TeleGeography team was sad to miss out on their annual trip to Honolulu to deliver our yearly telecom workshop. But a virtual event couldn't stop Brianna Boudreau from taking the audience on a trek around the world.

Feb 17, 2021

2021 Trends in Cloud Infrastructure and Global Networks

Any day that ends in "y" is a good one to explore cloud networks. (New TeleGeography slogan?)

But that's exactly what's happening in Patrick Christian's latest presentation, which reviews underlying cloud infrastructure, its evolution, and its impact on global networks. 

Feb 16, 2021

2021 Global Internet Map Tracks Global Capacity, Traffic, and Cloud Infrastructure

There's so much information packed into our 2021 Global Internet Map that you might not know where to start.

You could begin by digging into the 35% growth we saw in international internet capacity—from around 450 Tbps to over 600 Tbps—between 2019 and 2020. 

Or you could scope out regional connectivity intel, noting that Europe is the region with the highest regional capacity; it also saw the largest growth from 2019 to 2020.

Feb 11, 2021

TeleGeography Deep Dives: Internet Middle Mile

Over the last year we've learned a lot about internet middle mile—that mysterious space between the office and the cloud.

Our team looked closer at what happens between core backbone and local access. We explored provider types, cloud connectivity, and adoption use cases.

And we can't wait to share our findings.

Feb 9, 2021

How Data Centers Adapted to Disruption in 2020

The data center sector rose to the challenge of 2020.

This was Jon Hjembo's opening message during his review of the interconnection sector during PTC '21.