
Oct 12, 2023

Tracking International Internet Traffic by Region

Three years after the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the internet seems to have achieved a state of normalcy.

This can be seen across regions of the world. With the initial rapid traffic growth due to COVID-19 continuing to wane in 2023, many global networks appear to have started to return to more typical rates of utilization.

Let’s look at the numbers.

Sep 28, 2023

Keeping Subsea Cables Safe

Another month, another list of interesting telecom reads (and listens).

Here are a few things you ought to have on your radar, including a podcast episode about submarine cable geopolitics, a handsome take on our Submarine Cable Map, a new cloud data center presentation, and more.

Sep 21, 2023

Total International Internet Bandwidth Now Stands at 1,217 Tbps

After a tumultuous 2020, in which the COVID-19 pandemic caused internet traffic patterns to shift and volumes to surge, network operators have returned to the business of adding bandwidth and engineering their traffic in a more measured manner.

Aug 30, 2023

Inside the Massive Market for Undersea Cables

It's always exciting to see submarine cable conversations happening in industries outside of telecom.

TeleGeography Research Analyst Lane Burdette was recently invited to the Institutional Real Estate, Inc. Podcast to talk about subsea cable infrastructure, the companies involved, investment opportunities, and the future of the industry.

Aug 24, 2023

Eight Enterprise Products, Explained

The geographic coverage of carriers’ enterprise network services varies significantly. Not every carrier connects to every city in their customers’ networks, and not all services are available everywhere.

When narrowing down the universe of potential suppliers, enterprises must first consider how their geographic requirements overlap a potential service provider’s physical network. They then must determine if the specific data services they require are enabled at each of the service providers’ PoPs.

TeleGeography's WAN Services Coverage analysis—part of our Cloud and WAN Research Serviceexamines carrier network connectivity and service availability from a geographic perspective.

Here's a snippet of that analysis, followed by some handy definitions.

Jul 27, 2023

Choose Your Fighter: Payphone vs. Link5G Kiosk

Last year, New York City removed its last public payphone. This action marked the end of an era, but a new one has already unfolded.

Our July list of recommended reads touches on the latest iteration of LinkNYC, submarine cables, a fresh TeleGeography presentation, and … butter.

Jul 20, 2023

Content Providers Are Still Hungry for Bandwidth

Earlier this week, I joined Ciena and Telstra for a live webinar highlighting Asia-Pacific market drivers, trends, and new cable builds.

During my session, which focused on Trans-Pacific submarine cable trends, content providers came up quite a bit.

These companies prioritize the need to link their data centers and major interconnection points. As such, they often deploy massive amounts of capacity on core routes.

The Trans-Pacific and Intra-Asia routes are two great examples.

Jul 3, 2023

Webinar: Trans-Pacific Submarine Cable Trends

Almost a year ago, I shared a presentation on trans-Pacific submarine network opportunities in a live webinar with Ciena and Hawaiki.

A lot has changed since then, and I'm excited to share a new deck of fresh TeleGeography data on Tuesday, July 18 at 11:00 a.m. ET.

Jun 29, 2023

European International Bandwidth Demand Is Doubling Every Two Years

If you're a regular here on the TeleGeography blog, you've likely noticed that we round out each month with a list of telecom reading recommendations.

This month, we have more of a watching recommendation. That's because the recording of Research Director Alan Mauldin’s Namex Annual Meeting 2023 presentation—focused on Italy's Role in Global Network Expansion—is now available.

Alan first sets the stage with a breakdown of international bandwidth demand growth by region. Between 2018 and 2022, Europe grew at a compounded annual rate of about 41%.

This number implies that every two years, there is a complete doubling of all the bandwidth that links the countries within Europe, and other countries into Europe.

Jun 22, 2023

Satellite Mergers, Acquisitions, and Market Consolidation

Connectivity by satellite is not new, but expanding networks via low earth orbit (LEO) is a recent phenomenon receiving lots of investment.

As interest in LEO connectivity has grown, the number of companies looking to establish themselves in the market has also gone up. However, in recent conversations with satellite industry leaders, we’ve heard speculation that the market may have reached a saturation point.

That means mergers, acquisitions, and market consolidation are likely to occur. In fact, some of that has already begun to unfold.