
Oct 4, 2021

The Mystery of International Bandwidth Demand

Over the last decade, there has been substantial growth in demand for international bandwidth on major subsea cable routes.

In response to this rapid pace of demand growth (our research implies that demand is more than doubling every two years), there are over $2 billion of new cables entering service this year alone.

In short, demand is going up and we're seeing new cables.

This all makes sense.

But who is actually using this capacity? And will international demand continue to grow so expeditiously?

Sep 30, 2021

Someone Made a 3D Visualization of our Submarine Cable Map

The internet has been buzzing this month.

What cut through the noise and captivated us in September?

First and foremost, a coder adapted our renowned Submarine Cable Map into a neat 3D visualization, sparking a larger conversation about all things cables with the team over at Vice.

Sep 29, 2021

ICYMI: How to Improve Your IP Traffic Performance and Security

The COVID-19 bump is over, at least as far as internet bandwidth demand goes. 

This was a recurring theme during the recent discussion "How to Improve Your IP Traffic Performance and Security: Key Trends, Challenges, and Strategies," which was a special Carrier Community webinar sponsored by the team at GTT. 

Sep 27, 2021

Connecting to Africa with Low-Latency Services

As Africa fuels new submarine cable development via the world’s highest international bandwidth growth rate, African network operators are rapidly evolving from network connectivity providers to digital service providers.

This metamorphosis requires a high-performance low-latency submarine network, broad geographic coverage, and access to data center assets.

Join our own Paul Brodsky and experts from Ciena and Angola Cables on October 6 at 11:00 a.m. ET for a live discussion on this topic.

Sep 21, 2021

What Will The Global Internet Look Like Next Year?

Hold on, let me quickly grab my crystal ball.

Okay. Now that I've got that, let's see what it says about the future of the global internet. (And let's all agree that by "crystal ball" I mean "notes from our 2021 Global Internet Geography update.")

Sep 13, 2021

A 2021 Check-In on Global IP Transit Price Trends

Now that internet backbone operators have adapted their networks to accommodate changes in traffic flows, they've resumed a more measured approach to capacity planning and network upgrades in 2021.

That means that price trends have resumed their downward trajectory and regional characteristics accordingly.

Sep 7, 2021

Global Internet Traffic and Capacity Return to Regularly Scheduled Programming

Here's the headline: global internet bandwidth rose by 29% in 2021.

You could consider this a return to normal over the previous year's COVID-driven surge of 34%. Total international bandwidth now stands at 786 Tbps, representing a four-year CAGR of 29%.

Aug 30, 2021

Visualizing 487 Cables Stretching Over 1.3 Million Kilometers

Guess what? We upgraded our Interactive Submarine Cable Map.

Your favorite cable resource—currently sponsored by HMN Tech—now depicts a huge 487 global cables and 1,304 unique landing stations. Even better, we layered in new functionality to search and select multiple cables, landing points, countries, RFS years, and suppliers.

Aug 17, 2021

Facebook Plucks an Apricot

We've been reading up on the myriad of cable updates that have been making headlines this summer. So it's no shock that our August list of reading recs leads off with news about Facebook's latest undersea investments, including their involvement in the recently-announced Apricot project.

Jul 30, 2021

The Blue and Raman Cable Systems Stand Out. Here's Why.

It's likely that you've read the news by now. Google is teaming up with Telecom Italia Sparkle and others to build and operate two submarine cable systems linking the Middle East with southern Europe and India.

The Blue cable will connect Italy, France, Greece, Israel and go terrestrially to Jordan; while the Raman cable will connect Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Oman, and India. Combined, they will form a major new high-capacity route linking Europe and India.

Another day, another cable announcement involving a major content provider?

Yes and no.