
Feb 15, 2022

Integrating Wireless into the WAN

One of the earliest and most persistent use cases for SD-WAN has been the ability to utilize alternative connectivity options like internet and fixed wireless. And our WAN Manager Survey data has shown us that, since 2018, MPLS has been losing ground to other wireline alternatives like DIA and broadband.

Feb 8, 2022

Upskilling Network Architects for the Automated Network

Network automation pops up often on the WAN Manager Podcast.

But—you know what's under-discussed? The HR aspect of upskilling IT workers and/or acquiring the right talent to make this transformation and manage it going forward.

Feb 4, 2022

Global DIA Prices and Trends

In a recent analysis, we highlighted how DIA has gained ground as an integral part of the global enterprise WAN and how it compares in price directly to MPLS.

However, it is not just a matter of switching underlay products, but also understanding the global pricing dynamics of those alternatives.

Jan 25, 2022

Understanding the Multicloud-Verse of Madness

We're going to talk about the cloud. More specifically, cloud outages and how to avoid them and mitigate their impacts.

There's no way we can dig into this topic without touching on multicloud strategies.

Jan 21, 2022

Survey Says: DIA Is Hot on the Heels of MPLS

Look out, WAN world.

TeleGeography's WAN Manager Survey now includes data collected throughout 2021.

Like in all previous versions, we asked questions about how networks are currently configured—and found that enterprise companies are increasingly embracing hybrid networks.

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.

Jan 19, 2022

Prominence of DIA in the WAN

DIA has emerged as the first choice alternative product to MPLS in the hybrid WAN. And for good reason.

Jan 10, 2022

Here's How You Should Remember the 2021 WAN

Many of us are still trying to decide whether 2021 felt like ten years or six months, but there is no doubt that aspects of it were extensions of 2020.

This was no exception in the WAN world, where we saw many trends continue, such as SD-WAN rollouts, expansion of local internet breakouts, and most enterprises continuing to have a large portion of workers staying home and connecting remotely.

My colleague Elizabeth Thorne and I had a great conversation about key corporate network trends at the end of the year—now it's time to dive into the hard data.

Jan 3, 2022

Wireless Broadband in WAN

Business broadband is no longer a connection of last resort. In fact, it is an integral part of WAN architecture.

Unlike pricey network connectivity services like MPLS and DIA, business broadband is a cost-effective option for enterprises that push more traffic to the public internet and utilize SaaS applications.

Dec 27, 2021

What Problem is the Middle Mile Trying to Solve?

As global enterprises become more reliant on cloud—and start to break away or reduce their traditional MPLS circuits—the “middle mile” of the internet is coming into focus. 

Today, I want to examine the use cases that vendors hope to address through middle mile network services. (And their basic value proposition.)

Dec 21, 2021

2021 WAN in Review: Part 2

If you caught last week's special episode of the WAN Manager Podcast, you must be waiting on the edge of your seat for the second installment. 

To recap, Greg Bryan and Elizabeth Thorne are keeping up their tradition of decking the halls with an end-of-year WAN review. And since 2021 was such a big year, we couldn't fit everything into just one episode.

To make up for the cliffhanger, we've packed part two with enough data and lively conversation to knock your stockings off their mantel.