Greg Bryan

Greg is Senior Manager, Enterprise Research at TeleGeography. He's spent the last decade and a half at TeleGeography developing many of our pricing products and reports about enterprise networks. He is a frequent speaker at conferences about corporate wide area networks and enterprise telecom services. He also hosts our podcast, TeleGeography Explains the Internet.


Recent Posts

Sep 19, 2023

The Total Transformation of Latin American Telecom

Luis Fiallo has been in the telecom industry for over 25 years. And for the majority of that time, he has been at China Telecom Americas, witnessing the many changes happening in the Latin American telecom market firsthand.

After years of helping to drive CTA's growth in the region, Luis—now Vice President—has many valuable insights to share with TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

Since this episode largely focuses on Latin American networks and cloud developments, I also invited my colleague Peter Wood, TeleGeography’s Senior Analyst covering Latin America.

Sep 14, 2023

New Network Security Analysis Tracks SASE Pricing Strategies

We recently surveyed a mixture of carriers and MSPs, SD-WAN vendors, and pure-play security vendors about their network security offerings in order to analyze what these services are and how they are being offered.

In this analysis, we also detail the available pricing models across services.

Here's an excerpt.

Sep 12, 2023

Why Telecom Service Providers Need To Automate

In both 2021 and 2022, MEF CTO Pascal Menezes joined us on TeleGeography Explains the Internet to talk through the work MEF is doing on standardizing the enterprise network.

This season, we welcome a new face from the same team, Stan Hubbard, Principal Analyst at MEF.

Stan recently authored a State of the Industry Report for MEF, so I wanted to have him on to discuss his findings and see where the telecom industry is at with adopting new technologies.

Sep 5, 2023

Are These WAN Sourcing Trends Real or Just Hype?

Season 5 of TeleGeography Explains the Internet is here, and we're kicking things off with Dennis Thankachan, Co-Founder and CEO at Lightyear.

Because Dennis is in the unique position of being able to see how enterprises are sourcing networks, I was excited to talk to him about some key WAN trends he has seen recently.

Aug 31, 2023

How Common SASE Products Are Being Offered

Our Cloud and WAN Research Service just unveiled a fourth WAN analysis module, and it's all about network security.

To write this analysis, we asked a mixture of carriers and MSPs, SD-WAN vendors, and pure-play security vendors to tell us about their network security offerings.

Here's a look at what these services are and how they are being offered.

Apr 25, 2023

Surveying the WANscape

This week, Season 4 of TeleGeography Explains the Internet ends on a high note with Junior Research Analyst Mei Harrison’s podcast debut.

As one half of our dynamic enterprise duo, Mei is the perfect person to help me talk through results from our recently published WAN Manager Survey.

Apr 18, 2023

What Happens to Cables When The Earth Moves Under Our Feet?

How are submarine cables impacted by tectonic shifts beneath the seafloor?

This week's guests on TeleGeography Explains the Internet are well-positioned to tell us. They join us from the UK’s National Oceanography Centre: Isobel Yeo, Researcher in Geology and Volcanology, and Michael Clare, Principal Researcher of Ocean BioGeoscience and Marine Environmental Adviser to the International Cable Protection Committee

Mike and Izzy are geologists specializing in the seafloor, so their research has become vital for the submarine cable community.

Apr 11, 2023

Staying a Step Ahead of Mobile Fraudsters

I think this is a milestone. This might be the first episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet where we talk about 6G.

First, let me rewind. Our guest today is Dario Betti, CEO of the Mobile Ecosystem Forum.

Apr 4, 2023

AI Meets The Corporate Network

Today’s episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet is about artificial intelligence. And for that we welcome Kannan Kothandaraman, Co-Founder and CEO at Selector AI.

Mar 29, 2023

Real Talk: Are WAN Managers Adopting NaaS?

As cloud adoption becomes increasingly necessary for multinational enterprises, backend networks are becoming more complex.

The introduction of X-as-a-Service products and the need for multi-cloud environments have pushed WAN managers to make changes to their current ecosystems and adopt new technologies.

Let's look at how network professionals are integrating the cloud and Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS) into their enterprise networks.