Kristin Carlson

Kristin is TeleGeography's Content Marketing Manager.


Recent Posts

Jun 14, 2022

How Enterprises Are Implementing NaaS (And Leaving MPLS)

While NaaS and the middle mile are still fairly new concepts, they're not new to the WAN Manager Podcast.

In episodes past, you've seen—or rather, heard—us shine a spotlight on the framework, concept, market players, and products available.

So let's look at things from another perspective.

Jun 13, 2022

Ukraine’s Inbound Voice Traffic Is Surging. Here’s How We Know.

You already know that Ukrainians are taking to platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and TikTok to share the sights and sounds of Russia’s invasion.

But here’s a new development: in just one month, carriers have clocked a sevenfold increase in international voice traffic to Ukraine.

May 27, 2022

How Can Submarine Networks Manage Surging Demand?

Earlier this year, TeleGeography VP of Research Tim Stronge gave a very fashionable presentation on the submarine cable buildout boom.

Tim's presentation zeroed in on bandwidth demand—or more specifically, what's driving it? Now it’s time to focus on where innovations are happening the fastest: the Atlantic.

OnJune 2 at 11:00 a.m. ET, Tim will meet with experts from Ciena and Lumen for a live discussion on how submarine networks can scale to manage this surging demand.

May 26, 2022

Another Reason To Love Submarine Cables

If you've seen our famous Submarine Cable Map, you can probably guess that the TeleGeography team geeks out on submarine cable knowledge.

And although there's a lot to know, we still get excited when cables come up in the news. 

So it’s no surprise that our latest list of telecom reading recs starts off with a story about submarine cables—and their potential to detect earthquakes. 

May 20, 2022

Two Truths and a Lie: Submarine Cable Edition

In honor of Subsea World 2022 happening next month, let's play two truths and a lie: submarine cable edition.

One of these three statements is false:

May 9, 2022

Settle In for Some Submarine Cable Trivia

Have you been playing the secret cable trivia hosted on our interactive submarine cable map?

If you haven’t, look for the icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the map. Submit the correct answer and you’ll be entered to win a free submarine cable map in our monthly drawing.

In February, we released the answers to our first three questions. Now it’s time to reveal a new batch of answers.

Apr 25, 2022

One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mapkind

No, that wasn’t a typo. NASA is teaming up with lidar company Aeva to 3D map the moon—a tricky feat without GPS.

If you’re a map lover like us, this ought to grab your attention.

The prototype is small enough for an astronaut to wear as a backpack and able to map its surroundings in real time. 

Mar 31, 2022

Can a Park Bench Boost 5G?

As India’s long-awaited 5G deployment draws nearer, a new pilot program may prompt you to look at ordinary objects—like lampposts, mailboxes, and park benches—much differently.

This program will equip street furniture with small cell networks across four different locations: Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation, Kandla Port in Gujarat, and Bhopal city.

Mar 17, 2022

It's Your Lucky Day. The 2022 SD-WAN Guide Is Here!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, e-book lovers.

We've got a pot of vendor landscaping gold to introduce you to.

Meet the 2022 edition of our SD-WAN Guidedetailing 26 SD-WAN vendors and 90 managed SD-WAN providers in one handy PDF.

Mar 14, 2022

Submarine Networks and the Digital Transformation of East Africa

Before 2009, only 16 African countries were connected to a submarine cable system.

But in 2016, submarine cable capacity reached 33 countries; seven sub-Saharan countries had access to three or more systems.

Today, Africa leads the globe in international bandwidth growth. This has been facilitated by improved international connectivity along the critical Europe-to-India-and-Asia submarine corridor that connects East Africa to the rest of the world.

Our own Paul Brodsky will be joining forces with Ciena and Djibouti Telecom on March 23 at 11:00 a.m. ET for a live discussion on this topic.