Kristin Carlson

Kristin is TeleGeography's Content Marketing Manager.


Recent Posts

Aug 19, 2022

Webinar: Trans-Pacific Submarine Network Opportunities

The trans-Atlantic submarine corridor was a hot topic when VP of Research Tim Stronge joined Ciena for a live presentation back in June.

Now it's time to shift our attention to the trans-Pacific. And Research Analyst Marvin Tan has just the data to share.

Aug 18, 2022

New U.S. Broadband Proposal Does the Electric Slide

🎶 It’s electric!
You can’t see it (it’s electric!)
You gotta feel it (it’s electric!) 🎶

Our August list of telecom reading recs starts off with new legislation designed to speed up broadband rollouts by tapping into the U.S. electric grid.

Also on the docket? An update on Ukrainian connectivity and a trio of TeleGeography experts in the news.

Aug 11, 2022

A is for Autonomous System: The Telecom Glossary of Your Dreams

Let's face it—there are a lot of definitions to memorize in the telecom space. And if you've ever racked your brain for what “MVNO” stands for on a Monday morning, you're not alone.

Here's a hot tip: there's a secret Telecom Glossary tucked away at the end of our free State of the Network Report.

Save it to your phone. Print it out and display it on your fridge. Or just keep reading to peruse the terms listed under A, B, and C.

Aug 9, 2022

Economic Indicators and the Future of the Submarine Cable Industry

Economies around the globe are facing sluggish growth prospects and rapidly escalating prices.

But have you considered what various macroeconomic indicators can tell us about the direction of the submarine cable industry?

TeleGeography Research Director Alan Mauldin has—and he'll be talking about it next month at Submarine Networks World.

Aug 4, 2022

The Global SD-WAN Market for Large Multinational Enterprises Is Worth…

The results are in.

According to our research, the global SD-WAN market for large multinational enterprises is worth $3 billion. This accounts for just 5% of the total market.

Jul 27, 2022

Hot Data Center Summer

With summer in full swing, things are heating up—literally.

Like data centers.

Our July list of recommended reads touches on overheating data centers in the UK, a massive broadband outage in Canada, new submarine cables coming to Africa, and more.

Jul 20, 2022

Expectations for India’s Used International Bandwidth

Here's a headline you might have caught recently.

Our research indicates that India’s used international bandwidth is expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 38% between 2021 and 2028. This rate of growth implies international bandwidth demand will increase 10 times over this period.

Jul 11, 2022

Experts Explain IP Transit, SASE, and NaaS

We just wrapped Season 3 of the WAN Manager Podcast.

With 14 different guests across 16 data-packed episodes, there was a lot to take in—and a lot to learn.

Let’s revisit three key explainers you might have missed.

Jun 28, 2022

Z-axis Technology Takes Location Data to New Heights

It’s our first telecom reading list of the summer, and the headlines are coming in hot.

First up—Z-axis support for 911 calls.

Scroll on down to read about this critical development for public safety, the ghost of Sprint’s 5G network, new Ukrainian voice intel, and more.

Jun 15, 2022

Zeroing in on the Trans-Atlantic Submarine Corridor

Ah, the great Atlantic.

It's the world's second-largest body of water and the most heavily trafficked route in terms of submarine cable capacity.

It also happens to be TeleGeography VP of Research Tim Stronge's favorite ocean.

Tim told us as much during a recent Ciena webinar, where he gave a live presentation all about the Trans-Atlantic Submarine Corridor.