
May 10, 2018

Watch Now: Jon Hjembo and Brian Lavallée Talk Data Centers

Growth in global bandwidth consumption won't be slowing down any time soon. It's no surprise that this trend is fueling the need for more data centers and, subsequently, network capacity to interconnect data centers.

As cloud and content providers steer network and data center development, our own Jon Hjembo and Ciena's Brian Lavallée sat down to discuss the latest data center trends driving subsea connectivity growth.

Click below to listen to their full conversation.

Apr 24, 2018

Cable Down: What Happened When a Cable Was Cut Near Mauritania Last Month

April reading recommendations are in. First up? We've got a great post from the Dyn blog about the aftermath of a cable cut near Mauritania. (It's a brilliant example of redundancy at work.)

We've also got stories about data centers, 5G, and new cables that will be coming to real soon. Read up on all of our picks below.

Apr 19, 2018

All Eyes on the Enterprise: The Latest in Ethernet VPN and SD-WAN

TeleGeography’s Cloud and WAN Infrastructure analyzes service and pricing trends for four key enterprise network services: virtual private networks (VPNs) based on internet protocol (IP) and multi-protocol label switching (MPLS); dedicated internet access (DIA); Ethernet VPN (EVPN); and Ethernet private line (EPL).

This analysis—which has recently been updated with new data—reviews these services and the developing software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) service.

Today we’re sharing the latest on Ethernet VPN and SD-WAN services. Click here to catch up on our recent post about MPLS IP VPN and DIA services.

Apr 13, 2018

Webinar: Diving into the Data Center Interconnect Seascape

Global bandwidth consumption has grown exponentially in recent years due in large part to massive amounts of content being generated by internet content providers. (Cat videos, anyone?) 

This growth isn’t slowing down any time soon. It's actually driving the need for more data centers and network capacity to interconnect them—overland and undersea.

Join TeleGeography's Jon Hjembo and Ciena's Brian Lavallée on April 25 for an update on the latest data center trends driving subsea connectivity growth.

Apr 12, 2018

MPLS IP VPN and DIA Service Trends in 2018

TeleGeography’s Cloud and WAN Infrastructure analyzes service and pricing trends for four key enterprise network services: virtual private networks (VPNs) based on internet protocol (IP) and multi-protocol label switching (MPLS); dedicated internet access (DIA); Ethernet VPN (EVPN); and Ethernet private line (EPL).

This analysis—which has recently been updated with new data—reviews these services and the developing software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) service.

Today we’re sharing trends in MPLS IP VPN and DIA services. Check back next week when we dive into Ethernet VPN and SD-WAN.

Apr 10, 2018

Where Are the World's Cloud Data Centers and Who is Using Them?

TeleGeography’s Cloud and WAN Infrastructure details the international wide area network (WAN) services, cloud connectivity offerings, and cloud geographies of 170 WAN service providers.

Since the 2018 update is now available to our subscribers, we thought it would be a good time to take a closer look at who is connecting to the cloud and where cloud data centers are located based on our latest batch of data.

Dec 28, 2017

Mike Bisaha Talks Evolving Prices in Cloud Hubs, the 100G Factor, and Market Consolidation

Each January you can find the TeleGeography team at the Pacific Telecommunications Council annual conference. Our annual PTC workshop is our first opportunity of the year to share our latest research and analysis on international networks. (And it's where you might have seen some of our greatest hits, like our bandwidth and IP pricing rundown.)

This year, Data Science Manager Mike Bisaha is gearing up to share info on the pricing limbo in which wholesale circuit and IP transit prices have found themselves in.

Dec 18, 2017

The Telecom Stories That Dominated Our Blog in 2017

In 2017 you told us that you wanted to read about content providers, SD-WAN, internet capacity growth, and the submarine cable boom. So we wrote about those things!

We also covered the cloud, connectivity trends, network pricing, and much more.

As the year winds down, we pulled 10 of our most popular posts to capture the year in telecom. See if your favorite stories made the cut below.

Oct 20, 2017

WAN Summit London 2017, as Told by Twitter

This week our WAN-loving colleagues gathered across the pond for the 2017 WAN Summit LondonWe talked about the cloud, MPLS, the needs of enterprise customers, implementing hybrid networks, and why SD-WAN is about more than just cost savings.

Oct 19, 2017

This Blog Post Has Everything: Robots! North Korea! Cloud Computing!

This month we're reading about the state of artificial intelligence, connectivity in North Korea, content providers' submarine cables, and the curious new way Amazon Web Services will be charging customers. (A TeleGeography lineup if I've ever seen one.)

We've got all the stories linked below. Have at it.