
Apr 18, 2023

What Happens to Cables When The Earth Moves Under Our Feet?

How are submarine cables impacted by tectonic shifts beneath the seafloor?

This week's guests on TeleGeography Explains the Internet are well-positioned to tell us. They join us from the UK’s National Oceanography Centre: Isobel Yeo, Researcher in Geology and Volcanology, and Michael Clare, Principal Researcher of Ocean BioGeoscience and Marine Environmental Adviser to the International Cable Protection Committee

Mike and Izzy are geologists specializing in the seafloor, so their research has become vital for the submarine cable community.

Apr 6, 2023

Do $10 Trillion of Financial Transactions Flow Over Submarine Cables Each Day?

It's regularly cited in the press that $10 trillion of financial transactions flow over submarine cables every day. But is it true?

Mar 30, 2023

A Roundup of New Resources

With a fresh map release, an updated e-book, a new presentation deck and more, March has been madness for TeleGeography.

Let's recap some stuff you might have missed.

Mar 24, 2023

Key Takeaways from SubOptic 2023

SubOptic 2023 concluded last week and the TeleGeography team is still buzzing with excitement.

But who can blame us? When a conference only comes around every three years, there’s a lot to unpack.

This calls for a webinar.

Mar 1, 2023

Disruptions in the Data Center Market

The global data center market is under an unprecedented squeeze as we move into 2023.

On one hand, we have a long-term challenge surrounding the sustainability of the industry’s growth trajectory in essential hub markets. On the other, we have an acute short-term problem with energy prices in the colocation sector.

These issues combine to create an uncomfortable phase in the market right now.

Feb 28, 2023

Subsea Cable Infrastructure and Climate Change

We're closing out February with our top five telecom reading recommendations from the month.

First up: a look at how submarine cables are vulnerable to sea-level rise, storms, and other climate impacts.

Feb 24, 2023

Like a Phoenix From the Ashes: The Mythbusters Return to SubOptic

The TeleGeography team might know them as Research Director Alan Mauldin and Vice President of Research Tim Stronge: colleagues, analysts, and submarine cable enthusiasts.

But an entire universe of SubOptic attendees know them as something entirely different: the Telecom Mythbusters.

Feb 13, 2023

State of the Network: Piecing Together Telecom Trends in 2023

The wait is over. The 2023 State of the Network Report is finally here and it's our sixth annual check-in on all things telecom, if you can believe it.

We again extract major global bandwidth headlines, take a snapshot of the global internet, peruse the latest in data centers, check in on the cloud, and finish with an update from the voice market.

But what’s new and different? What’s the data telling us in 2023? 

Jan 31, 2023

Unpacking Telecom Predictions of the Past

It's one thing to make predictions. It's another to go back and assess how those predictions shook out.

One month into 2023, Mattias Fridström, Chief Evangelist at Arelion, very kindly agreed to scrutinize his 2022 forecast with us.

Jan 30, 2023

What Do You Get When You Cross GEO Satellites and SD-WAN?

While most planned satellite constellations used for connectivity fly in low earth orbit (LEO), some fly in geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) and circle the earth from a much further distance.

Because of this distance, LEO satellites tend to have lower latency and higher bandwidth than their GEO counterparts.

So when MetTel tried to cross its SD-WAN offering with HughesNet's GEO connection, it got latency.

More on this story and our other January telecom reading recs below.