
Jun 7, 2021

Citing Our WAN Sources

In our latest episode of the WAN Manager Podcast, we dig into sourcing. Our listeners know that we often discuss the migration of large enterprises away from one or two global suppliers for a mostly MPLS network to a novel mix of transport types and suppliers. This is especially true due to changing trends in cloud migration, SD-WAN, and security.

Jun 1, 2021

Nailing Down Network-as-a-Service

Our data shows that a majority of enterprises have more than one IaaS provider. For SaaS, that number can be dozens, hundreds, even more. And most have moved the majority of their data centers off corporate premises to some kind of shared facility.

This means most companies are dealing with multi-cloud connectivity in some shape or form; WAN managers of course have to handle that from a performance and cost perspective.

May 17, 2021

Submarine Cables: It's Not Bitcoin

We often say that we'll be taking a "deep dive" into an issue at the beginning of our WAN Manager Podcasts. Today we almost mean that literally, as Greg welcomes TeleGeography Research Director Alan Mauldin to talk about submarine cables.

May 10, 2021

I'm Just the Middle Mile Man

We're going back to the middle. The middle mile, that is.

Like many telecom terms, this is one that you might have to follow up with “what exactly do you mean by that?”

Apr 27, 2021

What Role Will MPLS Play in the Future of the WAN?

The average enterprise network had MPLS running at 82% of sites in 2018. That fell to just 58% in 2020. About one-third of those networks have active backups for their MPLS service—a quarter of them have passive backups.

Looking at these numbers, we have to ask: what role will MPLS play in the WAN moving forward?

Apr 19, 2021

WAN Manager Survey Data: Let's Do The Time (Series) Warp

In today's episode of the WAN Manager Podcast, Greg is joined by Analyst Elizabeth Thorne to dig into our latest WAN Manager Survey data.

From SD-WAN adoption stats to network configuration preferences and MPLS trends, the pair covers a lot of ground.

Apr 5, 2021

The Art of Zen and Network Monitoring

Look alive. Our latest episode of the WAN Manager Podcast is all about network monitoring.

Mar 29, 2021

SmartNICs, Explained

Most of our listeners are probably familiar with network interface cards (NICs, if you're savvy). But what about SmartNICs?

Mar 8, 2021

A Very Special Episode About a Very Global Network

It's a case study episode!

Greg is joined by Johan Ihse, product owner of global connectivity at H&M. As with previous WAN manager interviews, we'll focus on the story behind the network. This includes learning about H&M's network set-up, the transformations they've undertaken, and some goals for where Johan would like to see their network go.

Mar 1, 2021

Putting The Data Center Geography in TeleGeography

When our new WAN Geography Benchmark got a bit of buzz earlier this year, we thought it'd be cool to invite Principal Analyst Patrick Christian back to the pod to explain how this tool was developed.

It's one of those origin stories where a major customer needed to use several of our databases to run a bespoke analysis of their network. The project sparked a bright idea for how to help other enterprises with their data center decision-making.