
Jun 7, 2022

Untying the Gordian Knot, Unlocking Your Future Network

The TeleGeography team began benchmarking networks almost a decade ago. (Time flies when you're having fun!)

Back then, the big use case was making sure that carrier and customer were on the same page about how much MPLS and access prices had fallen over the life of a contract—and how far prices would probably fall in the next several years.

May 3, 2022

The Need for NaaS

Our readers likely know about NaaS: cloud-based network architecture that allows a WAN manager to stitch together different enterprise network components in a self-service, automated way.

At the WAN Manager Podcast, we've been watching the ways in which NaaS has emerged as specific products/solutions from vendors, as well as how it integrates with existing WAN strategies from the enterprise side.

Apr 19, 2022

SASE Isn't Revolutionary. It's Evolutionary.

Here's a hot take: the networking hype cycle has moved on from SD-WAN in favor of SASE and now SSE.

Apr 12, 2022

Running a Network for a Healthcare Company. During a Pandemic.

Two years ago—when the world shut down—WAN managers had to scramble to accommodate massive changes. Offices transitioned to remote work and navigated brand new traffic patterns.

Our guest on this week's WAN Manager Podcast navigated the added challenge of running a network within the healthcare industry, where business needs were changing in real-time.

Apr 5, 2022

How Global Events Impact the Internet

We've discussed the ways in which the WAN is moving away from private networks and MPLS in favor of reliance on the public internet. Not to mention the costs and benefits of that evolution.

Although it's certainly always been the case that WAN managers must stay on top of internet performance and outages, this is increasingly crucial in the internet-first WAN era in which we find ourselves.

Mar 22, 2022

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Middle Mile?

Coevolve CTO Ciaran Roche is back on the pod. And he's in the hot seat to discuss how middle mile solutions are selected to solve real-world enterprise WAN issues.

Mar 8, 2022

Data Centers and Digital Transformation

When it comes to the cloud and digital transformation of the enterprise, it's always useful to come back to the fact that physical geography matters to our digital world.

Feb 22, 2022

The WAN Managers Have Spoken (For Now)

We've crunched the numbers from our survey of WAN managers in 2021 and our new analysis is ready and waiting.

What'd we find?

Feb 15, 2022

Integrating Wireless into the WAN

One of the earliest and most persistent use cases for SD-WAN has been the ability to utilize alternative connectivity options like internet and fixed wireless. And our WAN Manager Survey data has shown us that, since 2018, MPLS has been losing ground to other wireline alternatives like DIA and broadband.

Feb 8, 2022

Upskilling Network Architects for the Automated Network

Network automation pops up often on the WAN Manager Podcast.

But—you know what's under-discussed? The HR aspect of upskilling IT workers and/or acquiring the right talent to make this transformation and manage it going forward.