Jun 3, 2024

Bandwidth Price Erosion: Accelerating on Some Routes, Still Stalled on Others

We’ve witnessed an unprecedented slowing of bandwidth price erosion globally over the past few years, as network investors, carriers, and customers grappled with delays in new network projects, existing system upgrades, and rising equipment costs.

For the first time, many customers found themselves asking if prices were actually increasing and when price declines would return to typical levels.

While the supply chain constraints and card shortages that spurred this trend have resolved themselves, geopolitical issues have not. As a result, recent price trends vary dramatically by region.

May 30, 2024

Where Are All the Internet Exchanges?

If you’re a regular on this blog, you're probably familiar with our submarine cable and cloud infrastructure maps.

But you may not know about the third tool in our interactive map tool belt: the internet exchange map.

May 28, 2024

Why Does Diversity Matter for Submarine Cables?

Last week, I joined Ciena’s Brian Lavallée and Colt’s Laurent Taieb for a live webinar all about submarine cable route diversity and sustainability.

For my part, I covered why diversity matters for submarine cables—a very timely topic in light of recent events around the world.

May 23, 2024

Undersea Cables Are Fragile: Handle With Care

As May winds down, we’re reflecting on some articles—and broadcasts—that should be on your radar.

Buckle up: this month’s reading list is very submarine cable and data center heavy.

May 21, 2024

Starlink Expanding in Africa

Starlink, the satellite broadband provider operated by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, is growing its presence in Africa.

As of May 2024, Starlink’s services are live in eight African countries, with more launches planned for the coming months.

May 17, 2024

Dr. Steve Grubb Looks Forward to the Next Wave of Technology Drivers

Dr. Steve Grubb’s fascination with subsea cable technology began in the 1990s. Thirty years later, now CEO of Grubb Blue Ocean Solutions, Steve spends his time advising cable companies on technical design and vendor selection.

He also lends his expertise as one of TeleGeography's Preferred Partners.

May 15, 2024

Used International Bandwidth Reaches New Heights

Worldwide bandwidth demand continues to grow at a steady pace.

Annual demand growth has decelerated slowly, but according to new data from TeleGeography’s Transport Networks Research Service, aggregate demand more than tripled between 2019 and 2023 to reach an eye-popping 5 Pbps.

May 13, 2024

Scaling Trans-Atlantic Submarine Cable Routes in a Sustainable Manner

Submarine cable network bandwidth cannot scale linearly with power and space requirements for economic and sustainability reasons.

To address this reality, the submarine network industry is working tirelessly toward sustainably scaling transoceanic capacity to meet the voracious demand for ever-increasing bandwidth, especially along the trans-Atlantic undersea cable routes.

Wouldn't it be great if someone did a webinar about this?

May 10, 2024

Hervé Février Wants to Troubleshoot the Industry's Biggest Challenges

Dr. Hervé Février has an engineer's brain. (His colleagues have actually used the term "technical wizard.")

After four decades in optical communications, he saw that the industry was as exciting as ever, brimming with digital infrastructure problems in need of solutions.

May 9, 2024

Your 2024 Telecom Conference Guide

Conferences and networking events are a big part of our research cycle.

There’s no better way to keep tabs on what’s happening in telecom than to meet with industry professionals, ask questions, present our data, and learn about what’s on the horizon.

No time for conference hopping?

Here's a collection of resources to catch you up on this year’s travels (so far), brought to you by our team of jet-setting analysts.