
Aug 24, 2023

Eight Enterprise Products, Explained

The geographic coverage of carriers’ enterprise network services varies significantly. Not every carrier connects to every city in their customers’ networks, and not all services are available everywhere.

When narrowing down the universe of potential suppliers, enterprises must first consider how their geographic requirements overlap a potential service provider’s physical network. They then must determine if the specific data services they require are enabled at each of the service providers’ PoPs.

TeleGeography's WAN Services Coverage analysis—part of our Cloud and WAN Research Serviceexamines carrier network connectivity and service availability from a geographic perspective.

Here's a snippet of that analysis, followed by some handy definitions.

Aug 17, 2023

These Two Regions Account For About 65% of the World’s Cloud Data Centers

Cloud services have become a critical component of many enterprises' data management. And how enterprises reach the cloud service providers' data centers has become an important issue.

Traditionally, the plain old internet sufficed. But there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Aug 8, 2023

How the Cost of Network Ownership Can Change Over Time, Part 2

In case you missed it, we’re looking back at some previous hypothetical network scenarios to see how the cost of network ownership can change over time.

In last week’s blog, Senior Research Manager Brianna Boudreau explored our first tiered scenario, which takes a conservative approach to integrating internet services and SD-WAN into the WAN.

If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to start there. Brianna’s post also provides important context about our hypothetical network and baseline dual MPLS network.

For Part 2 of this analysis, I'll map out a second, less conservative tiered approach, then switch gears to our Remote Hybrid Network.

Let’s dive in.

Aug 3, 2023

How the Cost of Network Ownership Can Change Over Time

Enterprise customers have embraced hybrid networks that employ multiple underlay technologies combined with an SD-WAN overlay. And for good reason.

Many SaaS applications and cloud services have been optimized to work over local internet connections rather than through central internet breakouts. The integration of an SD-WAN overlay addresses many of the concerns about network performance and security that come along with incorporating internet into the WAN.

And as we detailed in our recent blog series, the DIA and broadband services included in these hybrid networks are often cheaper than MPLS–sometimes considerably so. This allows WAN managers to reduce network spend or increase their capacity while staying within the same budget.

But even after enterprise customers have undergone a network transformation, it is still imperative for them to keep tabs on the market and assess what their network should cost. Particularly if their network contract includes a benchmarking clause.

With the latest update of our enterprise port pricing, we looked back at some previous hypothetical network scenarios to see how the cost of network ownership can change over time.

Jul 12, 2023

SD-What? A Quick Explanation of What SD-WAN Is and How It’s Deployed

Corporate traffic patterns continue to change. And static, single technology transport networks designed to secure internal corporate communications no longer meet network requirements.

Today they are being replaced by dynamic, hybrid, application-aware networks.

These new WANs are intelligent at the edge. They are able to categorize data and route it over a variety of transport types based on policy or application performance requirements. And they ensure a high-quality, secure experience to users regardless of their physical location, access device, or application location.

One innovation assisting WAN managers in deploying hybrid networks—while also ensuring the security and performance of their network—is SD-WAN.

May 30, 2023

Lessons Learned From Season 4: Telecom History, Investing, & More

Over the past few weeks, we've been revisiting the latest episodes of TeleGeography Explains the Internet with a Season 4 recap.

To conclude the series, here are six clips from the podcast—each under three minutes—that we think will teach you something interesting. First up: how accurate is Epcot's history of communications?

May 16, 2023

Lessons Learned From Season 4: Security Edition

As we explored the global business of connectivity throughout Season 4 of TeleGeography Explains the Internet, network security was a recurring theme.

Here’s what five experts—including AT&T’s Software Defined Cybersecurity Evangelist, Arelion’s Chief Evangelist, Aryaka’s Chief Product Officer, and two TeleGeography Senior Research Managers—want you to know.

May 9, 2023

Lessons Learned From Season 4: Podcast Recap, Part 2

In honor of the upcoming fifth season of TeleGeography Explains the Internet, we’re running you through the highlights of all 25 episodes from Season 4, five at a time.

Revisit part one to watch clips on energy conservation in the fiber optic space, the resurgence of satellite, the changing nature of technology, and more.

May 2, 2023

Lessons Learned From Season 4: Podcast Recap, Part 1

We just wrapped up the fourth season of our podcast, TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

After three seasons focused primarily on the WAN, Senior Manager/Podcast Host Greg Bryan spent the last few months more broadly exploring the global business of connectivity with a wide range of guests.

A lot of ground was covered. In fact, if you were to binge the whole season at once, it would take around 20 hours to listen through all 25 episodes.

While that would be very impressive, we've made a highlight reel with bite-sized clips to help you catch up. Stay tuned as we work our way through the season, five episodes at a time.

Apr 25, 2023

Surveying the WANscape

This week, Season 4 of TeleGeography Explains the Internet ends on a high note with Junior Research Analyst Mei Harrison’s podcast debut.

As one half of our dynamic enterprise duo, Mei is the perfect person to help me talk through results from our recently published WAN Manager Survey.