
Mar 14, 2023

Confessions of a Telecom Investor

On TeleGeography Explains the Internet, I typically interview guests who work in the telecom industry or manage telecoms at large enterprises.

Not this week!

Meet Aaron Chan, Founder and Managing Partner at Recurve Capital. As an investor in the “technology media and telecom” space—or “TMT” as they say in finance circles—Aaron has something of an outside perspective.

Mar 8, 2023

The Results Are In: 2022 WAN Manager Survey

Nearly three years out from the start of the pandemic, enterprise networking is starting to stabilize.

Let's celebrate with some insights from our latest and greatest WAN Manager Survey.

Feb 21, 2023

Preparing the Next Generation of Infrastructure Professionals

Rohan Singh knew his future was in networking and communication when he saw his first network diagram at around 12 years old. That's probably why he feels like he's been involved in networking for most of his life.

Now Vice President of Client Services at Marlabs, Rohan joined us at TeleGeography Explains the Internet to talk about all that goes into the modern digital transformation.

Jan 31, 2023

Unpacking Telecom Predictions of the Past

It's one thing to make predictions. It's another to go back and assess how those predictions shook out.

One month into 2023, Mattias Fridström, Chief Evangelist at Arelion, very kindly agreed to scrutinize his 2022 forecast with us.

Jan 30, 2023

What Do You Get When You Cross GEO Satellites and SD-WAN?

While most planned satellite constellations used for connectivity fly in low earth orbit (LEO), some fly in geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) and circle the earth from a much further distance.

Because of this distance, LEO satellites tend to have lower latency and higher bandwidth than their GEO counterparts.

So when MetTel tried to cross its SD-WAN offering with HughesNet's GEO connection, it got latency.

More on this story and our other January telecom reading recs below.

Jan 24, 2023

SASE and Secure

This week on TeleGeography Explains the Internet we welcome Jeremiah Ginn, Software Defined Cybersecurity Evangelist at AT&T and author of Diving into SASE.

Jan 17, 2023

A Brief History of Networking as a Service

This week's guest on TeleGeography Explains the Internet has a deep history in networking.

Khalid Raza was involved in some of the earliest large-scale MPLS deployments. Then, after seeing the limitations of MPLS, he co-founded Viptela–diving head-first into the SD-WAN revolution.

Khalid is now the Founder and CEO of Graphiant, a Silicon Valley-based startup. In this interview, he describes how enterprise networks have changed and why we need an approach beyond MPLS and SD-WAN.

Jan 16, 2023

Let’s Dive Into SASE

If you've been involved in the WAN/IT infrastructure space for the past few years, you've probably heard about SASE, or Secure Access Service Edge.

The enterprise market is just beginning to integrate this new technology into network security strategy and many professionals are still broadly unfamiliar with it. As a result, it's common for WAN speakers and writers to repeatedly clarify what SASE is (and speculate on whether vendors are “SASE washing”).

In fact, our 2021 WAN Manager Survey found that only one-third of enterprises had adopted either SASE or Zero Trust. And one in ten respondents had never even heard of SASE.

Jan 1, 2023

The WAN That Was: What We Learned From Enterprise Networking in 2022

You thought we were going to do a major end-of-year review of telecom trends and leave out all things WAN? No, no. Not on our watch.

Host and Senior Manager of Enterprise Research Greg Bryan broke out the data for this bonus New Years episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet.

Dec 29, 2022

A Low-Tech Solution to High Data Center Electric Bills

Back in July, we touched on how UK data centers were struggling to stay cool through unseasonably warm temperatures.

Five months later, our telecom reading list starts off with a very different story: Equinix is considering a multi-year project to raise its data center temperatures.