Pete Bell

Pete Bell is a Research Analyst for TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database and also contributes to the daily CommsUpdate newsletter. He has a particular interest in wireless broadband and was responsible for TeleGeography’s 4G Research Service until it was integrated into GlobalComms.


Recent Posts

Sep 13, 2018

More Mobile Subscribers in the Middle East, Slowed Overall Growth

The Middle East had 370.5 million wireless subscribers at the end of June 2018, up from 367.4 million at the start of the year and 361.7 million at end-2016.

But growth rates have slowed dramatically in recent years, as more mature markets in the region near a saturation point.

Aug 14, 2018

Is Recent Growth in Asia’s Fixed Broadband Sector Set to Slow?

The market for fixed broadband services in the Asia-Pacific region has expanded rapidly in recent years, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17 percent between 2005 and 2017.

The region was home to more than 549 million fixed internet customers at the end of 2017, up 14 percent from 482 million 12 months earlier.

Jul 17, 2018

Wireless Services in Europe: A Mixed Bag for Operators

Europe’s wireless market has seen customer totals decline in recent years as operators place less emphasis on winning new users and more on earning from their existing subscribers while wiping inactive accounts.

There were around 1.045 billion cellular subscribers across Western and Eastern Europe at the end of 2017, down from 1.048 billion a year earlier.

At it’s peak in 2015 there were 1.052 billion subscribers.

Jun 14, 2018

There are 17.5 Million Fixed Broadband Customers in Africa. How Does That Compare Globally?

The fixed broadband market in Africa has witnessed continued growth in recent years, despite a household penetration rate that remains in single digits.

Only 7 percent of African households subscribed to high speed internet services at the end of 2017. (Compare that to the Middle East’s 38 percent, which is next in line.)

May 15, 2018

Latin America’s Broadband Sector Continues its Growth

The fixed broadband market in Latin America and the Caribbean has undergone steady subscriber take-up in recent years, with a compound annual growth rate of 12.9 percent between the end of 2004 and end-2017.

The region was home to 77.4 million fixed high speed internet customers at the end of 2017, up from 72.4 million a year earlier.

Apr 17, 2018

5G in the Foreground in U.S. and Canada

Recent developments in the wireless market in North America have centered on cellular operators’ preparations for future 5G technology. As we discussed in a blog post last May, the main providers in the U.S. have been busying themselves with trials, while preparations are also being made over the border in Canada.

Things are now moving closer to the first pre-commercial launches; we’ll have a look at these below as part of a wider round-up of the region’s wireless sector.

Mar 20, 2018

Arabian Bytes: Broadband Access in the Middle East

The Middle East is a mixed bag when it comes to fixed broadband penetration.

Some countries have more than four out of five households subscribing to a high speed fixed or fixed-wireless service. But others lag far behind, with customers relying on cellular networks for their broadband access.

Feb 12, 2018

Asia’s Wireless Boom: 4.7 Billion Wireless Subscribers by 2022?

The Asia-Pacific region accounts for more than half of the world’s 7.7 billion wireless subscribers, but it remains a region of extremes. It’s home to some of the most advanced mobile markets as well as some of the least developed. While one country boasts the largest 4G LTE market on the planet, others have yet to offer licenses for LTE services.

Jan 10, 2018

Changing Faces: An Overview of Europe’s Broadband Sector

The market for fixed broadband internet access in Europe has changed course.

Nov 28, 2017

Wireless Market: Africa

Africa’s wireless story is one of extremes, opportunity, and playing catch up with surrounding regions.

Just look closer at our GlobalComms Database to get the full story. From growth in subscribers to evolving penetration rates, we see individual countries jump to the front of the pack in these measurements, while the African wireless market as a whole strains to compete with its neighbors.