May 9, 2019

This Feature is Driving SD-WAN Vendor Selection

At our 2019 WAN Summit New York we polled our audience on their WAN design, network security, how they benchmark network spending, and much more.

Per usual, we learned a lot.

May 2, 2019

The Tricky Geography of Enterprise Network Services

It's impossible for every carrier to connect to every city in their customers’ networks. At the end of the day, not all services are available everywhere.

So what does the geographic coverage of enterprise network services actually look like?

Apr 30, 2019

Four Enterprise Network Services. Four New Trends.

TeleGeography's Cloud and WAN Infrastructure is hot off of the press with new data and analysis for 2019. 

Apr 25, 2019

Cloud Data Centers Are Rolling Out at Record Speeds, Heading into New Regions

More workplaces worldwide are moving to the cloud. And that means that cloud data centers are making their debut in new regions.

Apr 23, 2019

How Do You Fit More Data into a Cable?

Google and SubCom are turning to space-division multiplexing within their new Dunant cable. The pair is angling to engineer the fastest fiber-optic cable of it's kind. (We can talk about whether or not new submarine cables are really giving us faster internet another time.)

Apr 18, 2019

Three Lessons from WAN Summit New York 2019

We're still buzzing from WAN Summit New York. Our largest summit to date, we were joined by an elite ensemble of networking experts who guided us through conversations on security, cloud, hybrid WAN rollouts, NFV, and much more.

If you sadly couldn't make this year's event, chew on these three takeaways. It's just enough food for thought until we hit the road again later this year

Apr 16, 2019

MVNO Market Maintains Upward Trajectory

The market for MVNO services remains buoyant. Customers of resellers accounted for 4.6% of all mobile users worldwide at the end of 2018. This is up from 4.3% a year earlier and less than 2% in December 2011.

Apr 11, 2019

Bulking Up in the Balkans: Tracking Consolidation in Southeastern Europe

Mirroring regional M&A trends elsewhere in the world, southeastern Europe is the latest geographic area to see significant consolidation–both in-market and cross-border.

Apr 8, 2019

Picking Your Provider: How Carrier Selection Affects Your WAN Costs

My grandfather told stories about his days as a milkman in the 50s. To a kid growing up 30 years later, the concept seemed pretty weird. Why would someone drive to your house with your milk instead of you picking it up at the grocery store with the other food?

Apr 5, 2019

Your 2019 Latin America Market Trends Are Here

Another year, another brilliant update on trends in Latin America wholesale telecom from Anahí Rebatta.

This year Anahí shared insights on growth drivers, infrastructure challenges, new cable projects, and opportunities within the regional wholesale industry.