Oct 19, 2017

This Blog Post Has Everything: Robots! North Korea! Cloud Computing!

This month we're reading about the state of artificial intelligence, connectivity in North Korea, content providers' submarine cables, and the curious new way Amazon Web Services will be charging customers. (A TeleGeography lineup if I've ever seen one.)

We've got all the stories linked below. Have at it.

Oct 18, 2017

North and South: Contrasts in Korea

As tensions on the Korean peninsula continue to mount, there is an increasing focus on the North Korean regime under Kim Jong-un.

The country has strict controls on communications, which have been criticized by human rights bodies such as Amnesty International.

Oct 16, 2017

Iraq and Roll: Telecoms in Kurdistan

The Iraqi region of Kurdistan recently voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence.

While the political machinations will continue for some time—with Iraq, Iran, and Turkey all having spoken out against the prospect of an independent Kurdish state—the vote has prompted us to take a closer look at the region’s telecoms markets.

Oct 12, 2017

Island Hopping: New Technology, New Cables in Reunion and Mayotte

TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database includes comprehensive coverage of the world’s major telecoms markets.

But we also profile some of the smallest principalities, republics, and territories in the world.

This month we're going inside the tiny island markets of Reunion and Mayotte. These nations are looking at new connectivity opportunities following the introduction of 4G LTE technology in both markets in late 2016 and the imminent arrival of a new subsea system in Mayotte, slated for 2018.

Oct 11, 2017

DHL Weighs Hybrid WAN Options

A shift to hybrid WAN could yield substantial savings, even though it would be a complex undertaking for the global logistics company DHL, explained Head of Network Architecture Michael Becerra in a presentation at WAN Summit Singapore.

Oct 10, 2017

A Core Group of Specialists are Serving Most of the IP Transit Market

IP transit providers face a formidable mix of unrelenting price erosion, peering alternatives, and brisk volume growth with evolving traffic patterns.

This has shaken all but the most committed operators out of the market, beyond a few opportunities that present a clear competitive advantage or complement other lines of business.

The result? A core group of specialists are serving most of the market.

Oct 6, 2017

How T-Mobile U.S. Ripped Up the Rulebook and Doubled its Subscriber Base in Four Years

In recent years, the stand-out performer in the ultra-competitive U.S. mobile market has been T-Mobile, which has more than doubled its subscriber base to almost 70 million since March 2013.

Oct 5, 2017

Optical Illusions: Content Providers and the Impending Transformation of International Transport

This week TeleGeography VP of Research Tim Stronge made his way to San Jose to speak at NANOG 71.

His session covered the relationship between international transport and content provider demand and the way in which content providers are changing international transport prices.

Oct 4, 2017

Three Videos For Anyone in the Process of Adopting a Hybrid WAN

Our latest WAN Summit Singapore blended big ideas with real-world solutions as we heard from WAN experts across the globe.

In particular, there were some fantastic ideas shared for WAN managers in the midst of a hybrid WAN adoption. We cherry-picked some of our top tips/quotes/ideas from those who have done it all before (and lived to tell the tale). Watch 'em below.

Sep 29, 2017

You Can Never Have Too Much Bandwidth

When our VP of Strategy Stephan Beckert agreed to sit in the hot seat for this month's Spotlight, I knew I wanted to ask him about the state of the global internet.

Where are new cables? Who is investing in them? What do they mean? The internet is growing, right? How are content providers contributing to this story?