The Art of Zen and Network Monitoring
Look alive. Our latest episode of the WAN Manager Podcast is all about network monitoring.
Look alive. Our latest episode of the WAN Manager Podcast is all about network monitoring.
Most of our listeners are probably familiar with network interface cards (NICs, if you're savvy). But what about SmartNICs?
We like to keep our readers up to speed on virtual events and conversations that might be of interest. So mark your calendar for April 8 at 11 a.m. EDT/8 a.m. PDT, because we're teaming up with our friends at Netskope to host a discussion on the WAN evolution.
With the release of our latest WAN Manager Survey results comes new SD-WAN insight.
In short? The number of enterprises deploying SD-WAN increased significantly between 2018 and 2020.
Technology such as SD-WAN, migration to the cloud, and the sudden surge of remote and distributed work have upended the modern WAN.
The composition of the underlay, flow of traffic, end points of workers, and security postures are all undergoing a massive shift. Like the protagonist in Canadian power trio Rush’s hit “Tom Sawyer,” WAN managers are realizing that “changes aren’t permanent, but change is.”
It's a case study episode!
Greg is joined by Johan Ihse, product owner of global connectivity at H&M. As with previous WAN manager interviews, we'll focus on the story behind the network. This includes learning about H&M's network set-up, the transformations they've undertaken, and some goals for where Johan would like to see their network go.
We had a feeling that our expert team would deliver a winning discussion during our TeleGeography Deep Dive on internet middle mile.
And disappoint, they did not.
With middle mile emerging as one of the next major topics of interest for global enterprises, our event appropriately started with the explainer of all explainers on this new market segment. (And, yes, we recorded the overview for our readers who couldn't make the live event.)
When our new WAN Geography Benchmark got a bit of buzz earlier this year, we thought it'd be cool to invite Principal Analyst Patrick Christian back to the pod to explain how this tool was developed.
It's one of those origin stories where a major customer needed to use several of our databases to run a bespoke analysis of their network. The project sparked a bright idea for how to help other enterprises with their data center decision-making.
Our resident podcaster Greg Bryan recently sat down with Daniel Remarc Bognár—the Head of Network Architecture at Norsk Hydro—to get his network case study.
As an early adopter of SD-WAN, and an eventual participant in a merger, there were plenty of lessons learned along the way. (Which we will now share with you, dear listeners.)
SD-WAN can seem like a moving target.
But what do you need to know about SD-WAN right now, at this moment in time?
We thought a lot about this question as we developed our latest refresh of the SD-WAN Research Service. While we can't divulge all of our new intel in this blog, we did want to shout out some of our top-level findings. Keep scrolling to enjoy a bite-size sampling of our latest data.
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