Jan 14, 2021

Data Center Matchmaking: Finding Your Dream Combo of Connectivity and Cost

🎶Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
Make me a match,
Find a facility
That's a real catch
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Knows what I need,
The most connectivity🎶 

Jan 11, 2021

Wholesale Carriers Terminated Approximately 307 Billion Minutes of Traffic in 2019

Many retail service providers—such as mobile operators, MVNOs, and cable broadband providers—rely heavily on wholesale carriers to transport and terminate their customers’ international calls.

Wholesale carriers terminated approximately 307 billion minutes of traffic in 2019, down 6% from 2018.

Jan 5, 2021

The COVID-19 Impact on International Calling

The global outbreak of COVID-19—and its associated economic and social impact—has upended the way billions of people live their lives.

Has it had an impact on international calling?

Dec 28, 2020

Remote Work After COVID-19

Our interests often find a way into our research. And that happened in 2020, as our genuine curiosity around the future of the workplace came up across our research catalog.

We covered COVID-related changes in bandwidth demand, WAN-related challenges to going remote, and data center impacts—all relevant topics to the evolution of the modern office.

It's no surprise, then, that we were fascinated by a new analysis of 800 different jobs.

Dec 21, 2020

Out With the Old Cables, in With the New

As 2020 comes to a close, I thought it was worth looking at changes in the subsea cable landscape. Two years ago I gave a presentation that predicted a coming “extinction” of older cables. 

We’re beginning to see signs of this in the market.

Dec 17, 2020

Ponder the Future of the WAN With a Podcast Holiday Special

We're back with a bonus holiday episode of the WAN Manager Podcast!

In this special pod, Greg invites TeleGeography Analyst Elizabeth Thorne to look back at the WAN in 2020. (And what a year it was.)

Dec 15, 2020

2020: The Essential CommsUpdate Selection

TeleGeography’s daily CommsUpdate newsletter has featured a staggering 76,000 telecom stories since making its debut back in December 2002! 

As a tumultuous year draws to a close, we’re looking back at the telecom stories that captured our readers’ attention during 2020. From shareholder shenanigans to mega-mergers, from tax disputes to 5G launches, the CommsUpdate team left no stone unturned in their quest to bring you the biggest daily news stories.

Dec 14, 2020

Catch Our Annual Telecom Workshop at a Virtual PTC '21

Come December, our team is normally dreaming of the warm Hawaiian sun.

But we'll be donning our Hawaiian shirts from the comfort of our homes this January, as the Pacific Telecommunications Council Annual Conference has gone virtual.

Dec 10, 2020

Telxius is Selling Its Cables. Here’s What Potential Buyers Are Assessing.

Global infrastructure company Telxius wants to sell its subsea cable business.

The announcement comes as Telxius majority shareholder TelefĂłnica continues to restructure.

TelefĂłnica has moved out of Central American markets en masse, created new technology and infrastructure units, and, in November 2019, announced an action plan outlining priorities for the changing company. 

Dec 9, 2020

Monaco Telecom: The Small Telco Making its Mark

Earlier this year, Monaco Telecom (MT) entered Malta’s communications sector when it acquired Vodafone Malta. While its domestic operations are fairly small, the company now has three sizeable overseas businesses as subsidiaries.