Nov 12, 2019

Hong Kong Cellcos Hail 5G Spectrum Prices

The government of Hong Kong has completed a round of 5G spectrum auctions, having sold frequencies in the 3.3GHz, 3.5GHz, 4.9GHz, and 26GHz ranges this year. The sales raised a total of HK$1.91 billion ($244 million) in spectrum utilization fees (SUFs).

The territory is looking to be among the front-runners in the race to launch 5G networks in the Asia-Pacific region.

Nov 5, 2019

New Technologies, Telecom Trends on Display at Capacity Asia 2019

Capacity Asia 2019 is only a month away.

This year, regional experts will cover new technologies like 5G, blockchain, and network virtualization, as well as new markets like e-gaming. Naturally, our team will be on the scene to share our latest data and analysis on the region.

Nov 1, 2019

Subsea Americas 2019: Telecom Trends Across Latin America

As new cable builds are commissioned around the world, the Americas have become a hot spot for international cable investment.

Our team is looking forward to getting the latest updates on cable projects, data centers, and the overall state of the market at Subsea Americas 2019. It's happening December 11-12 in Washington, DC.

Oct 31, 2019

The Future of MVNOs in Europe

This month saw the 16th annual MVNOs Europe event take place at the Victoria Park Plaza in London.

I was glad to connect with representatives from some of the region’s top virtual operators, network operators, tech vendors, and solution providers.

Here’s what I learned.

Oct 29, 2019

50 Years Ago Today the First Message Was Sent Over the ARPANET

It's a big day in internet history.

On October 29, 1969, Professor Len Kleinrock and his team of graduate students at UCLA sent the very first message over a network of computers that would eventually become the internet.

Oct 24, 2019

Australian Stakeholders Debate Underlay Network Options Including NBN, 5G

Australia is a place unlike any other. This is true for many reasons, but it’s certainly the case when it comes to Australia’s unique broadband environment.

This made for a fascinating backdrop as the TeleGeography team ventured to Sydney earlier this year for the first-ever WAN Summit in Australia. All that to say, the conversation was unlike those we’ve had in New York, London, or even Singapore, offering new, Down Under-specific insight into WAN management.

Oct 22, 2019

The State of Intra-Regional Connectivity in Latin America

How does Latin America connect? How does this connectivity affect regional prices? And what role does the United States play?

Oct 18, 2019

SD-WAN Management Costs, Wargamed

In house or outsourced? This is an age-old question for many firms. 

Oct 16, 2019

You're Building a Submarine Cable Where?

It turns out that the Arctic isn't the easiest place to lay a cable.

Expensive and logistically challenging, Arctic cables are at the center of one of our recommended reads for this month. If you're up for a story that includes forged signatures, Arctic ambitions, and the dynamite quote, “The question is not why Elizabeth did it, but rather, how did she think she’d get away with it?”—then keep reading, my friends.

Oct 10, 2019

Termination Rates Continue Downward Trend

Mobile termination rates (MTRs) have been falling steadily over the past decade. That trajectory is set to continue through the next few years.

Under the Calling Party Pays (CPP) system, which applies to the bulk of mobile markets worldwide, incoming calls are free and the cost of the call is covered by the originating user. Termination rates are designed to allow cellcos at the receiving end of a call to recoup their costs in these markets.