
Sep 20, 2018

International Internet Capacity Growth Just Accelerated for the First Time Since 2015

It's true. International internet capacity growth defied long-term trends in 2018 and accelerated for the first time since 2015.

This trend wasn't universal—many routes experienced slower growth in 2018. Nonetheless, global growth was buoyed by the large intra-European routes whose growth accelerated from 22 percent in 2017 to 36 percent in 2018.

Sep 18, 2018

Designing an Internet for the Next Billion Users

Neighbourly is Google's first Indian-inspired social network. It's taking on Facebook and WhatsApp in an internet market that will soon exceed 800 million people. 

This month we're reading about Google's pursuit of India's mobile market, as well as Skype's origin story, Verizon's 5G ambitions, and the state of affairs of the Middle East's mobile market. Keep scrolling to read it all for yourself.

Sep 6, 2018

Watch the Webinar: Asia-Pacific Cable Seascape & Network Analytics

Driven by the rapid growth in submarine data usage globally, the race is on among subsea cable operators and consortia to expand subsea cable capacity in the APAC region.

With new cables being announced—seemingly every month—how do existing cables stay competitive?

Sep 5, 2018

Outlook for IP Transit Prices in 2018

IP transit prices continued to decline steadily in 2018.

Aug 24, 2018

End-User Traffic Rising, More Traffic Migrating to Private Networks

What's on the horizon for the global internet? We have a few ideas.

International internet bandwidth and traffic growth has gradually slowed in recent years, but remains brisk. And IP transit price declines continue globally, but significant regional differences in prices persist around the world.

The combined effects of new internet-enabled devices, growing broadband penetration in developing markets, higher broadband access rates, and bandwidth-intensive applications will continue to fuel strong internet traffic growth.

Aug 16, 2018

Hawaiki is Here, IoT in Sports, and AT&T/Time Warner Developments

August might be a quiet month around your water cooler, but there is still plenty of telecoms to talk about. 

This month, we're reading about the newest cable to connect the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. We're also taking in new developments to the story about the AT&T/Time Warner merger.

Aug 9, 2018

The Ultimate Throwback Thursday: TeleGeography's First Map

TeleGeography started producing submarine cable maps in 1999, but we were mapping the world of telecommunications years prior to that.

Our first map got off the ground in 1996. This effort depicted a number of in-service cables. It also shows FLAG as a proposed cable, which is pretty neat.

Jul 30, 2018

Happy Anniversary to the AC-1: A Twenty Year Retrospective at Subsea EMEA

Way back in 1998, a press release went out from Global Crossing about the first segment of their transatlantic fiber-optic cable.

"Global Crossing announced today that it has begun transmitting voice and data communication through Atlantic Crossing (AC-1)," read the release, touting the cable's state-of-the-art system. This segment will double the total capacity in service across the Atlantic Ocean! Full city-to-city connectivity! A link between Europe and the U.S.! 

Did you catch what's so interesting about that language?

Jul 24, 2018

Google's Trans-Atlantic Dunant Cable Plans to Make Waves

The telecom news du jour is the announcement of Google's Dunant cable. The tech giant's newest private subsea cable project is slated to be the first private trans-Atlantic cable built by a non-telecom company.

Read more about it in our story picks for July. We've selected a piece from PC Mag that includes all the cable details, as well as a story from Lightwave about who will be designing and deploying the cable.

Jul 13, 2018

How Does a TeleGeography Map Come Together?

How does one go about keeping track of nearly 400 submarine cable systems and over 1,000 landing stations? 

Carefully, with lots of precise, year-round tracking, as it turns out.

In today's post, we're sharing secrets from our mapmakers about how our submarine cable map designs come together.