Apr 20, 2023

Is the Lifespan of a Submarine Cable Really 25 Years?

“The lifespan of a submarine cable is 25 years.” We’ve all heard that, right?

Is this statement really a fact—or is it fiction? Let’s find out.

Apr 18, 2023

What Happens to Cables When The Earth Moves Under Our Feet?

How are submarine cables impacted by tectonic shifts beneath the seafloor?

This week's guests on TeleGeography Explains the Internet are well-positioned to tell us. They join us from the UK’s National Oceanography Centre: Isobel Yeo, Researcher in Geology and Volcanology, and Michael Clare, Principal Researcher of Ocean BioGeoscience and Marine Environmental Adviser to the International Cable Protection Committee

Mike and Izzy are geologists specializing in the seafloor, so their research has become vital for the submarine cable community.

Apr 13, 2023

The Rise and Fall of a Caribbean Communications Kingpin

Earlier this year, it was revealed that Denis O’Brien—the Irish businessman who founded international telecom group Digicel in 2001—could lose up to 90% of the company to U.S.-based investment firms.

These firms are poised to seize control of the business in exchange for writing off up to $1.8 billion of Digicel’s debt.

The revelation that O’Brien could lose his empire follows a tumultuous period for Digicel. Today we take a look at the rise and fall of a Caribbean communications kingpin.

Apr 12, 2023

The Inspiration Behind This Year’s Submarine Cable Map Design

While our interactive submarine cable map is updated on a rolling basis, printed editions are unveiled annually. Each edition has a different theme, and our team always tries to out-do last year’s release.

Can you guess what inspired our latest design?

Apr 11, 2023

Staying a Step Ahead of Mobile Fraudsters

I think this is a milestone. This might be the first episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet where we talk about 6G.

First, let me rewind. Our guest today is Dario Betti, CEO of the Mobile Ecosystem Forum.

Apr 6, 2023

Do $10 Trillion of Financial Transactions Flow Over Submarine Cables Each Day?

It's regularly cited in the press that $10 trillion of financial transactions flow over submarine cables every day. But is it true?

Apr 4, 2023

AI Meets The Corporate Network

Today’s episode of TeleGeography Explains the Internet is about artificial intelligence. And for that we welcome Kannan Kothandaraman, Co-Founder and CEO at Selector AI.

Mar 30, 2023

A Roundup of New Resources

With a fresh map release, an updated e-book, a new presentation deck and more, March has been madness for TeleGeography.

Let's recap some stuff you might have missed.

Mar 29, 2023

Real Talk: Are WAN Managers Adopting NaaS?

As cloud adoption becomes increasingly necessary for multinational enterprises, backend networks are becoming more complex.

The introduction of X-as-a-Service products and the need for multi-cloud environments have pushed WAN managers to make changes to their current ecosystems and adopt new technologies.

Let's look at how network professionals are integrating the cloud and Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS) into their enterprise networks.

Mar 28, 2023

What Makes a WAN Truly Secure?

I've always known Aryaka Networks as service provider with a different approach to enterprise networks—they don’t neatly fit into categories like facilities-based carrier or managed service provider.

When Aryaka’s Chief Product Officer Renuka Nadkarni agreed to join me on TeleGeography Explains the Internet, I quickly had a list of questions mapped about their place in the WAN landscape.