Jayne Miller

Jayne Miller is TeleGeography's Director of Operations. She has over a decade of experience as a writer, editor, and creative strategist.


Recent Posts

Feb 8, 2021

Stuck in the Middle Mile With You

A new class of network provider has emerged, optimizing connectivity between the office and the cloud. What do they offer? How do they do it? And what’s happening between the core backbone and local access?

TeleGeography Principal Analyst Erik Kreifeldt is in the house and Greg is asking the big questions about internet middle mile.

Feb 3, 2021

The Utopian Future of International Networks

Research Director Alan Mauldin is known on the conference circuit for presentations like "Is Your Planned Submarine Cable Doomed?" and "Is a Mass Extinction of Submarine Cables Looming?" and "The Dystopian Future of International Networks."

His latest review of submarine cable trends took us to a happier place as he explored the utopian qualities of the submarine cable landscape in 2021. 

Feb 1, 2021

SFW: Safe for WANs

What do you think of when you think of integrating security into the WAN?

WAN Dynamics' Jason Gintert sees a changing connectivity landscape that presents no shortage of challenges to security teams. 

Jan 29, 2021

2021 Cable Progress, Internet Shutdowns, and Bandwidth Trends

January was a mixed bag of telecom stories.

There were a handful of cable updates to watch. (Tis the season for experts and insiders to assess big projects with 2021 ready-for-service dates.)

Then there were all the policy pieces to read up on as a new administration took over in Washington, DC.

And we still had plenty of posts to take in about the pandemic's ongoing impact on all things telecom.  

Jan 25, 2021

Open Minds, Open Source SD-WAN

What is open source SD-WAN and how is it different from other "open" platforms we've already seen?

This was the right question for flexiWAN CEO Amir Zmora, who wanted to get into the SD-WAN space, but only if he could do something totally different.

Jan 22, 2021

Building Resiliency for Submarine Networks

Our latest research on Latin America shows that international bandwidth demand is strong in the region. 

With an ongoing surge in new submarine cable deployments, content providers are expanding their geographic reach as both owners and anchor customers of new cable systems. (You can take a closer look here.)

Jan 21, 2021

New State of the Network E-book Tracks Industry Changes, COVID Impact Across Tumultuous Year

More so than normal, our team is thrilled to usher in a new year.

Sure, that’s in part because a new year signals the release of our fourth State of the Network Report—and with it a new batch of data and analysis on the way the world is connecting. But mostly because 2020 presented a unique set of challenges to the world, our industry, and our team.

Jan 14, 2021

Data Center Matchmaking: Finding Your Dream Combo of Connectivity and Cost

🎶Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
Make me a match,
Find a facility
That's a real catch
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Knows what I need,
The most connectivity🎶 

Dec 28, 2020

Remote Work After COVID-19

Our interests often find a way into our research. And that happened in 2020, as our genuine curiosity around the future of the workplace came up across our research catalog.

We covered COVID-related changes in bandwidth demand, WAN-related challenges to going remote, and data center impacts—all relevant topics to the evolution of the modern office.

It's no surprise, then, that we were fascinated by a new analysis of 800 different jobs.

Dec 17, 2020

Ponder the Future of the WAN With a Podcast Holiday Special

We're back with a bonus holiday episode of the WAN Manager Podcast!

In this special pod, Greg invites TeleGeography Analyst Elizabeth Thorne to look back at the WAN in 2020. (And what a year it was.)