Nov 8, 2018

Cable is Main Form of Broadband Access in North America

The market for fixed broadband services in North America is clearly divided along technological lines.

Cablecos are currently battling rivals with copper and, increasingly, fiber-based networks.

Nov 5, 2018

Deploying the Next Generation of Submarine Cable Routes at Capacity Asia

Capacity Asia is the annual meeting that brings together the carrier community with business strategists from cloud/content service providers and data centers.

The 2018 gathering—which takes place in Hong Kong December 4-6—is rapidly approaching.

And TeleGeography readers can get 10% off their registration with the code TELEG10.

Oct 31, 2018

The Spooky Future for Aging Cables

Halloween—a time when boundaries between the living and the dead are blurred. It's a season for ghost stories and superstitions—black cats and voodoo dolls. 

It seemed appropriate to use the spookiest day of the year to look at a few frightful scenarios for some of the world’s aging submarine cables.

As older cables’ economic lives draw to a close, the transition from life to death could take many scary forms.

Oct 30, 2018

A Regional Pricing Update (and Registration Discount) at Subsea Americas 2018

To all of our readers in and around Florida: this is a friendly reminder that Subsea Americas 2018 will be here before you know it.

As always, you can bet on two days of conversation about the Americas' submarine cable market. The agenda covers strategic and technical insights that span across financing, construction, maintenance, and cable upgrades.

It's happening December 3-4 at the Westin Fort Lauderdale. 

Oct 24, 2018

Our 2018 Global Internet Map Gives the Web a Splash of Color

Our 2018 Global Internet Map is hot off the press.

This technicolor edition tracks global capacity, traffic, and pricing data, as well as global user figures and the most-connected ISPs. Keep scrolling to see for yourself.

Oct 23, 2018

Detmold Sees Ongoing Benefits of 2016 SD-WAN Deployment

In 2015, SD-WAN was not the phenomenon that it is today. But David Stork, IT infrastructure manager for multi-national manufacturer Detmold Group, was motivated to explore the then-emerging technology way back when.

It all started after he asked his MPLS provider about an upgrade.

Oct 18, 2018

A Hurricane of 5G News

If 5G stories have been crowding your newsfeed as of late, you're not alone.

We've also been seeing—and consuming—these wireless headlines.

We pulled a handful of stories for your perusing pleasure. This includes an update from Ars Technica on the Federal Communications Commission's decision to preempt local rules on deployment of 5G wireless equipment.

Oct 15, 2018

Italian 5G Auction Sees High Price Tags, Raised Eyebrows

The Italian government recently completed its sale of wireless spectrum, which has been earmarked as suitable for future 5G services.

The auction ran for 14 days and saw 171 rounds of bidding, raising over €6.55 billion. This was more than €4 billion higher than the government’s minimum target.

But the high prices paid for frequencies have raised eyebrows—and not just in Italy.

Oct 12, 2018

Is TeleGeography Having a Map Sale Right Now?

Sorry. No sale is happening at the moment.

Oct 10, 2018

Central American Cableco Takeovers are Reshaping the Region

Historically, Carlos Slim-backed America Movil and Spanish giant Telefonica have dominated the Central American telecom space.

However, the landscape is shifting.