Oct 6, 2018

Getting to Grips With the Innovative Future of Wholesale

Join Erik Kreifeldt at Capacity Europe October 22-25, 2018, in London as he moderates the panel The Big Carrier Debate (The Sequel)—Getting to Grips With the Innovative Future of Wholesale.

Oct 5, 2018

BYOD is Shifting the Security Perimeter for WAN Managers

Of all of the areas covered by the WAN Summit, cyber security has got to be one of the hottest topics.

Oct 4, 2018

Is a Mass Extinction of Submarine Cables Looming?

The rapid pace of demand growth is only going to require more international bandwidth in the coming years. While there's certainly lots of investment in new systems, cables built in the late 1990s and early 2000s continue to play a key role in global connectivity. But are their days numbered?  

It seems more likely than ever that some of these cables will begin to go "extinct" in the near future as they are retired from service.  

Sep 27, 2018

Meet the WAN Exchange at MEF18

With 1,000 attendees from more than 275 companies, MEF18 is a major networking event for communication and cloud service providers, enterprises, government organizations, network technology suppliers, and others.

Even better, this year the Downtown Los Angeles event will feature the WAN Exchange, a bite-sized showcase of our WAN Summit conference series.

Sep 25, 2018

A Running List of Major Telecom Conferences, When They Are, and Where to Find Them

The telecom community has no shortage of conferences. And these opportunities to listen, learn, and network are available across the globe.

Some gatherings have a laser focus on submarine cables or broadband or MVNOs, while others have a little something for everyone.

Our experts have developed a list of 50 leading events for anyone in telecom, organized by time of year and region. We'll move events on and off of this list as final dates are announced.

Sep 21, 2018

TeleGeography's Guide to 5G Auctions

As the telecom world prepares to enter the 5G era, our GlobalComms team has been keeping tabs on all of the crucial information: regulatory agencies, spectrum bands, provisional auction dates, etc.

You might have caught several of our posts already. We're saving all of our 5G auction updates here. Check back for new 5G stories in the coming weeks.

Sep 20, 2018

International Internet Capacity Growth Just Accelerated for the First Time Since 2015

It's true. International internet capacity growth defied long-term trends in 2018 and accelerated for the first time since 2015.

This trend wasn't universal—many routes experienced slower growth in 2018. Nonetheless, global growth was buoyed by the large intra-European routes whose growth accelerated from 22 percent in 2017 to 36 percent in 2018.

Sep 18, 2018

Designing an Internet for the Next Billion Users

Neighbourly is Google's first Indian-inspired social network. It's taking on Facebook and WhatsApp in an internet market that will soon exceed 800 million people. 

This month we're reading about Google's pursuit of India's mobile market, as well as Skype's origin story, Verizon's 5G ambitions, and the state of affairs of the Middle East's mobile market. Keep scrolling to read it all for yourself.

Sep 13, 2018

More Mobile Subscribers in the Middle East, Slowed Overall Growth

The Middle East had 370.5 million wireless subscribers at the end of June 2018, up from 367.4 million at the start of the year and 361.7 million at end-2016.

But growth rates have slowed dramatically in recent years, as more mature markets in the region near a saturation point.

Sep 11, 2018

A Guide to 5G Spectrum Auctions in Eastern Asia: China, Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong

As the telecom world prepares to enter the 5G era, our GlobalComms team has been tracking major 5G auctions around the globe. Catch up on all of them here.

Today we’ll look at what’s happening in major markets across eastern Asia, including China, Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong.