Jan 31, 2019

New Year, New E-book: The State of the Network 2019 is Here

Last year we wanted to take a snapshot of the telecom market.

And it was this desire—our attempt to answer the question what is happening in telecom at this moment in time?—that led to the creation of our annual State of the Network report.

Jan 25, 2019

Trends in Latin American Wholesale Telecom at Capacity LatAm 2019

Capacity LatAm 2019 is fast approaching; the annual conference is slated for March 11-13 in São Paulo, Brazil.

TeleGeography's Anahí Rebatta will again share insights on trends, growth drivers, infrastructure challenges, new cable projects, and opportunities within the region.

Jan 23, 2019

OneWeb, SpaceX, Telesat—Who Has the Best Proposed Global Bandwidth Constellation?

It's 2019, we're back, and you better believe we're still eating up telecom headlines and passing some of our favorites on to you.

After sorting through the obligatory end-of-year posts about telecom in 2018—and then a new batch of projections for the year ahead—we landed on a lineup of stories about connectivity.

Jan 17, 2019

When is 5G not 5G?

U.S. telco AT&T has come under criticism from rivals for pushing its “5G Evolution” technology.

But critics might want to take a long look in the mirror, as many have been guilty of similar marketing hyperbole.

Jan 15, 2019

Visions for the Future and the Pursuit of Digital Transformation at Capacity Middle East 2019

The Middle East's digital agenda is piled high with plans for projects and new infrastructure.

TeleGeography Principal Analyst Erik Kreifeldt will dig into many of these plans and projects as he moderates a panel of regional experts during Capacity Middle East 2019.

The panel will assess the most important technological innovations boosting the diversification and modernization of telecom in the region. Further, they'll examine crucial strategies needed to implement industry-wide digital transformation.

Jan 14, 2019

A Guide to 5G Spectrum Auctions in the Gulf States: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE

As the telecom world prepares to enter the 5G era, our GlobalComms team has been tracking major 5G auctions around the globe. Catch up on all of them here.

Today we’ll look at what’s happening in major markets in the Middle East. We'll explore what’s happening in the Arab States that border the Persian Gulf, with a focus on Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Jan 9, 2019

Lots of Cable Chatter on Deck for Submarine Networks EMEA 2019

Over two days—February 12-13, 2019—Submarine Networks EMEA will welcome more than 450 telecom professionals to London.

These two days will be brimming with conversation on strategies, new opportunities, and business models for this dynamic sector. 

If this sounds like a conference that you need to be at, be sure to save your place soon.

Jan 8, 2019

Five New Submarine Cables That Will Make Waves in 2019

It's a new year—one in which we expect to see lots of new submarine cables enter service. 

Today we're examining five noteworthy cables to look for in 2019. We'll highlight the content providers who are involved, ready for service dates, and the stats that make these cables stand out.  

Jan 3, 2019

The Adaptive Network™: From Ocean’s Edge to the Network Edge

As demand for digital content surges, technologies borne in the data center world are quickly finding their way into the networks that interconnect them overland and undersea—and from the core to the edge.

In keeping up with this demand, new markets and regions are emerging as strategic peering hubs for the delivery of content. And the creation of new diverse submarine cable routes feeds the growth of both existing and new peering hubs.

Dec 20, 2018

Voice Traffic's Slump Continued in a Big Way Last Year

It's true that 2015 marked a turning point in the international voice market—the first time since the Great Depression that international call traffic declined. However, that slump in voice traffic has turned into a rout, as carriers’ traffic fell a further 8.4 percent in 2017 to 484 billion minutes.