Feb 9, 2023

Global Pricing in Uncharted Territory

Historically, the two most predictable trends in the bandwidth market have been consistent demand growth and price erosion. But those trends have been challenged over the past few years.

Recent supply chain issues and geopolitical challenges have dramatically slowed price erosion globally. For the first time, we're asking ourselves, are prices actually increasing?

Feb 7, 2023

The Death of Voice Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Why has it taken us this long to welcome Senior Research Manager Paul Brodsky—an A+ podcast guest—to TeleGeography Explains the Internet?

I brought Paul on to discuss our most recent voice report, but we couldn’t help getting into a whole lot more. 

Feb 3, 2023

Competing Visions: Network Upgrades vs. Modernization

Next month, Senior Research Manager Paul Brodsky will be taking part in a subsea-focused panel at Capacity Middle East.

This panel, titled Competing Visions, will cover network upgrades vs. network modernization, supply chain implications that have affected the industry during covid times, and what this all means for subsea architecture in the Middle East.

Feb 1, 2023

More Carriers, More Data: i3forum Expands Insights Offering

Today the i3forum announced the expansion of its successful Insights tool, which will now offer an Insights Light tier.

This extended offering is designed for smaller voice teams who require occasional market tracking and insight, while the flagship Insights solution remains available to large voice teams who rely on such market intelligence for day-to-day business operations.

Both levels of service are available to international carriers whether or not they are i3forum members.

Jan 31, 2023

Unpacking Telecom Predictions of the Past

It's one thing to make predictions. It's another to go back and assess how those predictions shook out.

One month into 2023, Mattias Fridström, Chief Evangelist at Arelion, very kindly agreed to scrutinize his 2022 forecast with us.

Jan 30, 2023

What Do You Get When You Cross GEO Satellites and SD-WAN?

While most planned satellite constellations used for connectivity fly in low earth orbit (LEO), some fly in geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) and circle the earth from a much further distance.

Because of this distance, LEO satellites tend to have lower latency and higher bandwidth than their GEO counterparts.

So when MetTel tried to cross its SD-WAN offering with HughesNet's GEO connection, it got latency.

More on this story and our other January telecom reading recs below.

Jan 25, 2023

Voice Traffic: I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

The international voice market's trajectory is down, and there's no reason to believe it's coming back.

Our recently updated TeleGeography Report and Database shows us exactly how fast traffic volumes are plummeting.

Jan 24, 2023

SASE and Secure

This week on TeleGeography Explains the Internet we welcome Jeremiah Ginn, Software Defined Cybersecurity Evangelist at AT&T and author of Diving into SASE.

Jan 23, 2023

The Panama Paper Trail: Tracking Five Years of Telecom Upheaval

Back in 2018, the Panamanian government rubber-stamped long-gestating plans to reduce the mobile market from four players to three, seeking to make better use of the country’s spectrum resources.

Despite multiple meetings, no breakthroughs were achieved, and all four operators were unwilling to concede ground.

Five years later, multiple international telecom groups have exited Panama and the authorities find themselves in the unusual position of trying to attract a new operator to fill the void.

Today, we track the key events that led to this point.

Jan 17, 2023

A Brief History of Networking as a Service

This week's guest on TeleGeography Explains the Internet has a deep history in networking.

Khalid Raza was involved in some of the earliest large-scale MPLS deployments. Then, after seeing the limitations of MPLS, he co-founded Viptela–diving head-first into the SD-WAN revolution.

Khalid is now the Founder and CEO of Graphiant, a Silicon Valley-based startup. In this interview, he describes how enterprise networks have changed and why we need an approach beyond MPLS and SD-WAN.