Dec 21, 2021

2021 WAN in Review: Part 2

If you caught last week's special episode of the WAN Manager Podcast, you must be waiting on the edge of your seat for the second installment. 

To recap, Greg Bryan and Elizabeth Thorne are keeping up their tradition of decking the halls with an end-of-year WAN review. And since 2021 was such a big year, we couldn't fit everything into just one episode.

To make up for the cliffhanger, we've packed part two with enough data and lively conversation to knock your stockings off their mantel.

Dec 20, 2021

Corporate Data Center Geography, Explained

With the explosion of cloud applications in the corporate network and the shift to local internet breakouts, it's more important than ever for WAN managers to understand where their data centers sit.

Dec 15, 2021

Fresh Blood: Meet The Newcomers Who Acquired 5G Spectrum in Brazil

Brazil’s long-awaited 5G spectrum auction drew to a close in November. It generated total commitments of BRL47.2 billion ($8.5 billion). 

Alongside bids from major players Telefonica Brasil (Vivo), Claro Brasil, and TIM Brasil—and established regional players like Algar Telecom and Sercomtel—the auction featured a number of lesser-known participants. 

Today we scrutinize the other companies that scooped up 5G frequencies and examine their plans.

Dec 14, 2021

2021 WAN in Review

If you've been a loyal listener of the WAN Manager Podcast, you might remember that last year Greg Bryan and Elizabeth Thorne teamed up for a very special WAN year-in-review.

Well, they're back at it for 2021. In our latest WAN Manager Podcast holiday special, we're shaking the snow globe that is the 2021 WANscape. 

Dec 13, 2021

Traversing the Internet’s Middle Mile

“Middle mile” loosely refers to the network segment between local access and destination network.

From the perspective of a potential customer, it might refer to whatever happens between its connection with the service provider and its application in the cloud.

Dec 9, 2021

Snow Joke: North Pole Telecom

As our thoughts turn toward the festive season, TeleGeography has decided to focus on one of the world’s lesser-known telecom markets.

The North Pole is a hive of activity this time of year, and a good communications network is key to ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Dec 7, 2021

Moa Capital Acquires TeleGeography

A quick bit of news from the TeleGeography team.

TeleGeography has been acquired by Moa Capital, a U.S.-based private equity firm.

Dec 6, 2021

All About 2021's SD-WAN Revolution

SD-WAN's core promise of optimizing network performance through load balancing—and cutting costs by integrating internet into the WAN—has proven attractive. And it's helped the service take root among many large enterprise network teams.

Nov 30, 2021

Cold as Ice: Former Ice Cream Vendor Scoops Up Telecom Assets Across Europe

When the Portuguese 5G auction concluded in October 2021—after a wearying nine months and 1,727 rounds of bidding—the glacial pace looked set to strip the frequency sale of any remaining excitement.

But not so fast.

Nov 29, 2021

What SD-WAN Features Do WAN Professionals Actually Want?

The landscape for SD-WAN vendors is vast. While the core features of SD-WAN are generally consistent, vendors vary on additional features, security, deployment models, and pricing structures.

Our SD-WAN Research Service details the different service features and pricing available across SD-WAN vendors.