Feb 13, 2020

The Decade Pricing Challenge

You've seen the decade challenge. Post a picture of yourself in 2010 and another in 2020. Compare. Contrast. See how far we've come. (Or reflect on a time lost, wondering aloud why youth is wasted on the young.)  

At PTC 2020, Brianna Boudreau thought it would be fun to do the same thing with TeleGeography's network pricing research. She came armed with data from our January 2010 workshop, as well as our latest and greatest analysis.

Feb 12, 2020

2020 Update: Bandwidth Demand in Latin America

Capacity LATAM 2020 is just around the corner; the annual conference is on our calendar for March 9-11 in São Paulo, Brazil.

You know what that means.

Anahí Rebatta is preparing to share insights on trends, growth drivers, infrastructure challenges, new cable projects, and opportunities in the region. (We picture her gearing up in a Rocky-inspired montage of data gathering, slide making, and running up large sets of stairs while "Gonna Fly Now" plays in the background.)

Feb 11, 2020

About That PLCN Delay: Four Trans-Pacific Cable Market Facts to Consider

There's been a lot of press about delayed approval for the Pacific Light Cable Network (PLCN) cable, which is due to connect Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Philippines to the United States.

You can understand why this cable has gotten extra attention. Backers include Google, Facebook, and Pacific Light Data Communication (PLDC), which is owned by Chinese ISP Dr. Peng Telecom & Media Group.  

While the whole system is awaiting approval from U.S. authorities, Google and Facebook have requested that the FCC allow activation of the Taiwan and Philippines portions of the cable.

Feb 10, 2020

Behind the Scenes of i3forum Insights, the Industry's New Database for Global Voice Services

Gather 'round, voice data enthusiasts. There's a new database in town.

i3forum Insights is a powerful resource designed for wholesale voice market analysis and performance tracking. It was created by carriers for carriers—and we're proud to say that it's powered by TeleGeography. Today we're giving readers a look inside this new tool and a preview of what early adopters are saying.

Feb 6, 2020

Chasing Opportunity in the Data Center Market

What's happening right now in the interconnection market?

Jon Hjembo recently painted PTC 2020 attendees a picture.

Feb 5, 2020

The Middle East Under a "Macroscope"

Note: Capacity Middle East 2020 has been moved to September 2020. You can download Kate Reilly's presentation here.

When it comes to the Middle East, there's much to consider.

What impact will the 5G revolution have on business in the Middle East? As global capacity grows, how can the region capitalize? Are interconnection fees the key to attracting new cables? 

Our team is on top of it.

Feb 4, 2020

2020 Networks Update: How Much Growth is Too Much Growth?

We often think that growth is a good thing—that it's healthy for an industry.

But it's possible that it happens so fast that it could become a problem.

This is the scenario Tim Stronge laid out for PTC 2020 attendees as he answered the question: how much growth is too much?

Jan 30, 2020

The Telecom Matchups of 2020

Some classic matchups in this month's list of interesting telecom stories.

We have Bharti Airtel taking on Reliance Jio.

We have Huawei making 5G progress in Germany and India despite new U.S. efforts to keep the Chinese company on the bench. 

We've got drama. We've got intrigue. We've got new perspectives on satellite megaconstellations.

Keep scrolling to see what the TeleGeography staff is reading this month.

Jan 28, 2020

Analysts Weigh in on Networking in 2020

SD-WAN is still the hot topic among network professionals, but questions remain on how best to implement it. There is more work to be done.

Jan 23, 2020

Tracking the 4G Decade

December 2019 marked the tenth anniversary of the world’s first commercial LTE network launch. Scandinavian telco Telia paved the way in Stockholm and Oslo way back in 2009.

As for the decade that followed? Let’s take a closer look.