
Jan 21, 2021

New State of the Network E-book Tracks Industry Changes, COVID Impact Across Tumultuous Year

More so than normal, our team is thrilled to usher in a new year.

Sure, that’s in part because a new year signals the release of our fourth State of the Network Report—and with it a new batch of data and analysis on the way the world is connecting. But mostly because 2020 presented a unique set of challenges to the world, our industry, and our team.

Dec 10, 2020

Telxius is Selling Its Cables. Here’s What Potential Buyers Are Assessing.

Global infrastructure company Telxius wants to sell its subsea cable business.

The announcement comes as Telxius majority shareholder Telefónica continues to restructure.

Telefónica has moved out of Central American markets en masse, created new technology and infrastructure units, and, in November 2019, announced an action plan outlining priorities for the changing company. 

Sep 15, 2020

Carriers Are Restructuring Across Latin America. Is Disruption on the Horizon?

Market patterns aren’t the only forces impacting carriers. Shifts in strategy, corporate structure, assets, and regulation can also have noteworthy consequences.

We’re seeing this across Latin America right now.

Sep 8, 2020

Global IP Transit Prices Keep Doing What They Do Best

As network requirements balloon, global IP transit prices continue to decline. Even in the face of a global pandemic.

But the pace of price erosion over the past three years and the factors driving it vary throughout the world. Declines have been greatest in emerging markets, where prices are highest. Increases in volume, local traffic exchange, and number of suppliers can improve economy of scale, underlying transport cost, and competition, respectively. In established global hubs, prices continue to fall at a significant pace, largely a result of escalating volume and declining unit cost.

May 14, 2020

WAN Pricing Mythbusters: Can SD-WAN Cut Your Network Spend in Half?

Welcome back to the third installment of our mythbusting series, where we break down legends in telecom pricing and see if they hold water. (Don’t miss our investigations on tall tales in local access budgeting and MPLS/DIA pricing lore.)

May 5, 2020

Global Bandwidth Prices Are Converging. Somewhat.

With the update of data and analysis within our Global Bandwidth Research Service comes a refreshed look at our network pricing intel.

Yes, operators are racing to keep revenue margins ahead of eroding prices, while bandwidth demand and supply continue to grow across global routes. Abundant supply and increasing competition have led to this robust price erosion throughout the global bandwidth market.

New 100 Gbps-equipped submarine cable systems and upgrades to existing networks have further lowered unit costs. And this has driven down both 10 Gbps and 100 Gbps wavelength prices. Across critical global routes, weighted median 10 Gbps and 100 Gbps prices fell an average of 14% and 23% compounded annually since 2016.

Apr 21, 2020

WAN Pricing Mythbusters: Is MPLS Priced Like DIA?

In case you missed my previous post, we here at TeleGeography love busting telecom myths. But we haven’t turned our analytical tools toward common WAN pricing myths—until now! 

In this second installment, I’m going to investigate whether MPLS IP VPN and dedicated internet access (DIA) prices have become one and the same.

Apr 7, 2020

WAN Pricing Mythbusters: Is Local Access 50% or More of the WAN?

We have a years-long tradition of Mythbusting here at TeleGeography. But it occurred to me that we’ve never tackled any of the WAN pricing myths floating around out there. That’s why I decided to do a series addressing some of the things I hear from WAN-sourcing and WAN-selling professionals. 

Let’s see if these WAN pricing myths stack up against the data. 

First up: is it true that, particularly for traditional MPLS networks, local access can account for upwards of 50% of the total cost of ownership (TCO) of WAN components?

Mar 10, 2020

Anyone Know Where to Find Good Pricing Data Around Here?

Yes, we do know where to find good pricing data around here. (Great pricing data, actually.)

TeleGeography's Pricing Suite is a portal to all of our network pricing data and related analysis. It's fueled stories like this and this and even this.

Today we're answering a handful of quick questions about how we maintain our databases—and how you can get access.

Feb 13, 2020

The Decade Pricing Challenge

You've seen the decade challenge. Post a picture of yourself in 2010 and another in 2020. Compare. Contrast. See how far we've come. (Or reflect on a time lost, wondering aloud why youth is wasted on the young.)  

At PTC 2020, Brianna Boudreau thought it would be fun to do the same thing with TeleGeography's network pricing research. She came armed with data from our January 2010 workshop, as well as our latest and greatest analysis.